+4 votes
in Other by (112k points)

so im that one girl who gets bullied and is insecure and has anxiety 24/7 but still has friends. (for the newbies im a girl and im bi)



so most of u know that I had my first panic attack ever last week in class bc I was being bullied and I couldn't take it anymore and blah blah blah. so today I made my crush a bracelet and asked her bestie (who happens to be one of my friends) to give it to her except say it was anonymous. anyways, A few boys found out who my crush is and one of those boys keep telling me that (GET READY) LGBTQIA++ is a myth and that apparently since God says its a sin or whatever it is not real and bad to be part of. (AND U BEST BELIEVE MY CRUSH IS A GIRL SO HE WAS LIKE-) 


ok, fast forward to after school. I was on a call with two of my bsfs (I have 2 bsfs and 2 ABSOLUTE BESTIE WESTIES WHO I WOULD LITERALLY WELL MY SOUL FOR- I was on a call with my regular bsfs) and, lets call her Amy, said that, lets call her Liliana, (the SUPER RUDE AND MEAN POPULAR GIRL WHO HAS A LITERAL POSSE) was telling everyone in the 5th grade section of the bus that I was bi. And don't get me wrong, its not like im hiding it, but I would appreciate if u dont talk about my s3xuality behind my back like that.

thanks for listening to my story time of my day today!

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (297k points)
:/ i dont know what my emotions should be-

but, thanks for sharing!! <3


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