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in Fanfiction by (6.0k points)
First: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/228739/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-series-prologue

Next: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/231781/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-fanfic-chapter-7


Chapter 20

Charlie gaped at the massive sphere in front of him. It was marbled blue and green, and clouds floated lazily around it like logs in a river. And according to the SPERO, it had enough food on its surface to stop Koppai's food crisis.

It all felt surreal. Here he was, viewing an alien land, about to land on it for the first time. His stomach twisted with worry. Or maybe space sickness. It was hard to tell.

Someone grunted. Behind him, his crew lay on the ground, grumbling. "Oh! Sorry!" he said, walking over to Brittany to help her up.

"You could have warned us how rough it would be, you know," she grumbled, batting him away and walking to the lower compartment trapdoor. "I'm going to go check on the supplies. SOMEONE could have broken them."

He watched her leave, rubbing his arm sadly. Then someone tapped him on the shoulder, and he jumped.

"Uh, Captain?" said Alph, eyes wide. "There's a pretty big problem..."


The beeping sensors were starting to get to Charlie's head.

For an unknown reason, an error had been detected in the Drake. It wasn't doing much - it just rendered some features unavailable - but they just couldn't seem to wipe it. Brittany had chosen to stay in the storage area, and so Alph and Charlie were left upstairs, trying to solve the problem.

"Did you try turning it off and on again?" Alph suggested.

He sighed. "Alph, we've tried that four times already."

"Well, it's pretty much the only thing that comes to miiiii-"

Alph's statement broke off into a high-pitched shriek as the ship lurched forward. Charlie stumbled and fell flat on top of the smaller Koppaite as the alarms suddenly increased sharply in pitch, which could mean only one thing - imminent disaster.

"W-what? But just a minute ago, everything was fine!" Alph looked around, panicked and confused.

Charlie stared in horror as they began a rapid descent onto the planet's surface, when a loud rumbling sound came from the engine.

And then there was an explosion, and everything went dark.


Not the best chapter. The next one will be better, I promise.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (523k points)
I could just imagine seeing tiny little cute things arrive here x3

Welcome to Earth, little ones :D
by (6.0k points)
Unfortunately, this game series takes place after the extinction of humanity. :/
by (523k points)



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