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in Fanfiction by (6.0k points)

First: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/228739/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-series-prologue

Next: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/234977/tales-from-the-koppaites-a-pikmin-3-series-chapter-12

Brittany and Alph hang out with their pet plant elves in the Drake and... SoMeThInG hApPeNs


Chapter 11

"So, these... Pikmin... helped you out?"

Brittany gestured to the tiny creatures running around the S.S. Drake. Two of the Reds stared at their radio, seemingly captivated by the sounds. Another one was trying not to fall off of a rolling Rock Pikmin. She pushed away the stem of a Red that had been sitting in her lap, messing with the bandage on her arm - the leaf was getting in her face - and turned back to her friend.

"Yeah! They're really nice, and - Hey, Apollo! Don't touch those! You'll get shocked!" Alph whistled at a Rock that had gotten into the jumble of wires in the engine repair room, who started and ran off to do something else. "Anyways, yeah, they don't seem to be dangerous. Some of the other creatures, though..."

"Are you alright? You look upset."

"I'm worried about Charlie," he admitted. "The Drake still hasn't located any signals. He could have been lost in space during the crash, or his spacesuit's signalling device could be functioning improperly, or maybe he's-"

Brittany sighed. "Come on, Alph. Cheer up. He wouldn't have wanted you to be so worried. Let's bring back as much fruit as possible, so he won't have died in vain!"

In response to this, Alph laid down on the floor, hugged his knees, and began to cry.

*Great job, Brittany.* She groaned inwardly. *Now he's feeling even worse.* "Okay, forget the 'dead' part. He just MIGHT be. That's all I'm saying."

He sniffed and wiped his face. "Th-then why'd you say it like that?"

"I don't know." *If I'm being honest, I actually don't care about his situation.*

Another Rock walked over. This one was carrying Alph's KopPad, which was making a buzzing sound. "Oh! Thanks," he said taking it. "Hey Brittany, that one doesn't have a name. Want to choose one for it?"

She stared down at the gray Pikmin. It had the same cute, dumb face as the others. "Uhm. How about... Rocky?"

"Nope. We already have a Rocky. It's over there." He pointed at a Rock Pikmin talking to a Red.

Brittany blinked, confused. "There is no difference between those two."

"Yes there is! Look closely. Rocky's leaf is split at the tip, and it has shorter legs, while this one has more rounded edges."

"Alright then... I guess I'll call it... Brock." (another reference :P)

"That's a good name!" he said. "Now, let's see what this alert is all about..."

Alph's eyes widened with excitement as he scrolled through the Koppad. "Brittany. Look at this."

She peered over his shoulder. There was a map layout on the screen, with a blinking red dot. "What is it?"

"A signal! And it could be the captain!"

"Wait. Don't tell me..."

He pointed dramatically in a random direction. "We've found him! Tomorrow, we set off to find Captain Charlie!"


Anyone who can guess at least one of the references right on their first try gets a shoutout in Chapter 12! (No comment peeking or editing!)

Anyways ight imma *evaporates*

- Charlie

by (6.0k points)
For anyone who can't find the Mario Movie quote, that's because it was removed. Basically, before Chapter 12 was out, it said, "He's... in the Dark Lands."

1 Answer

0 votes
by (523k points)
The first Brock I think of is the trainer from Pokémon x3
by (6.0k points)
You got that one right. The other one is a quote from the Mario movie.
by (523k points)
Awesomesauce :D

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