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Your pfp looks like the Moana lisa. :)

3 Answers

0 votes
by (523k points)
I just realized you said Moana Lisa—
ik. If I'm being honest I'm not good at spelling. I don't see the word "Mona lisa" that much. So I kinda just had to spell it as best I could.
0 votes
by (68.8k points)

Thanks! Btw how's your car seat? Is it scary sitting properly in a car at 11 years old? :D

Ooo and btw if you wanna see more of "Mona Lisa" you can go to kadeart hawks MHA>>>>>

Btw I'd recommend these articles to know what the Mona Lisa actually is. I tried finding the ones you would understand best. Yk, so it isn't too hard for you :).



And by the way, please don't bother me. I had a bad day as it is. I don't need you in it too.

Also, it's KeigoHeardAnime<3

Not KeigoHeardAnime>3

You are welcome! Btw my car seat is fine. It's actually not that scary. I do look really short sitting in the seat though LOL. Btw I would rather if you didn't treat 11 years old like its as young as you make it sound.

Oh and I knew what the Mona lisa looked like I just thought your pfp looks like it :D

Oh ok! I thought it was a > instead of < because I though it was supposed to be a arrow pointing to your username. Sorry.

My afternoon was not that great either.
by (523k points)

I feel like a wave of sarcasm came up to me and slapped me in my face—
by (950k points)

Yeah. Apparently Keigo still has some sort of grudge on Queen cat.

by (154k points)

Im not gonna lie I think QueenCat is purposely making the heart go >3

I also am not gonna lie that any post that you make towards each other that isnt kind i might start flagging-

by (68.8k points)
@Elo and Nobi

My tone is usually sarcastic lol. And for grudges i hold them against anyone really. That's something I have to work on.
by (68.8k points)

Sorry about that! It's just since you didn't know how to spell her name either I just assumed you're not that well familar with it.

Oh and being short without it is super relateable lol. I was hsort without it when they took mine away when I was like 7.
by (950k points)
@Keigo oh


The weird part about me looking short without it is that when I was in my carseat my head was about an inch from the ceiling lol. I like sitting in the seat a lot better than my carseat. It's a lot more comfy and its easier to wear neck pillows. Btw sorry about all the drama. I know I should really work on my temper. 

P.S. I am not sure if you know but BraceletGirl123 is wanting to leave. 

0 votes
by (56.8k points)
Is that supposed to be an insult? Or what?
by (523k points)
I've never heard of the Mona Lisa used as an insult...
by (56.8k points)
Me either… but 1st time for everything!

@HorseLover No its not supposed to be.

by (56.8k points)
Ik I was just joking

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