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Its 11 o clock almost and i just cut my hair because i wanted fringe bangs they are super cute but my parents dont know because they are asleep what should i do?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (262k points)

Okay first of all, you're so real for this. I have done this SO many times and BOTCHED it T_T Currently recovering from a set of messed up bangs that I cut too far back on the sides praying-hands

Anyways, don't sweat it too much! It's just hair, and it'll grow back in no time! Did you know that human hair on average grows about 6 inches a year? That's half an inch per month! And Ik it doesn't seem like much, but trust me, when you have bangs, you'll notice the difference even a quarter of an inch can make! 

In case you haven't cut them yet, just remember these few things:

1.) Bangs are high maintenance. I had to style them EVERY DAY because I have a cowlick in my part, so I would have to get them wet all the way to the root and take a comb and blow-dry them straight every morning. If I didn't it would look JANKY, and I am NOT joking! I should try and find some pics to show you laughing-tears However, I've seen a lot of people who can just wake up with their bangs perfectly styled with no weird parts or waves, so it really depends on your hair type and cowlicks! 

Also, remember what I said earlier about inches and hair growth. After even 2.5 or 3 weeks, you may notice your bangs getting in your way more often than they usually do- all it takes if a quarter inch for them to start bothering you and getting in your eyes! Then it's time for another trim, which is always a surprise to see how much you accidentally trimmed off a-=(

2.) The grow-out is not fun or pretty. Dude, I cut my bangs again in October 2023 for homecoming (I first cut them when I was a freshman in January 2022), and even though they are growing out, I STILL have to style them everyday because of the awkward length they are at and how they were cut! Again, if I don't style them, they look weird, but I suppose not as bad as when they were shorter. So keep in mind, several months down the road from when you decide to stop cutting/ trimming them, you will still be taking care of a different kind of bang, which you may or may not hate (I hate mine rn, I'm too lazy). 

3.) Overall look. What's the vibe? Another thing to think about is how bangs will look with your hair type! Listen, bangs can work for anybody! But when I had them, I hated the way they looked with my naturally straight hair, so I also had to curl my hair everyday to get the look I was going for! But if you have straight hair, you may like the way they look with it! Tbh, I think I just cut them wrong and my hair was pretty short to begin with at the time... Anyways yeah! Think about how they'll look and what you'll have to do to get the rest of your hair to match! 

(My Pinterest is bursting with girls that have cute bangs with straight hair a-=( WHY CAN'T I FIGURE IT OUT AGHHHHHH!!)

Those are all the points you should consider BEFORE you cut any type of bang! But if you're willing to go through all that trouble and up-keep, they'll look SO cute! 

Also, if you haven't cut them yet, DON'T! You could SERIOUSLY screw things up like I did, and then you'll be suffering from either micro-bangs or strangely-shaped curtain/70's bangs. You could also end up regretting them like I do. And listen, I get that you want to, and I'm a very impulsive person, but that's also often my downfall. Instead, ask your parents if it's alright, and maybe have one of them cut them for you! Or you could go to a salon, but I don't really suggest that (namely because I've come out with SO many awful haircuts from salons!). They also don't really take time to get a feel for your hair type or any quirks, so it's better if you or one of your parents who do know your hair cut them. 

If you already did, that's okay too! Remember, hair grows back, and pretty fast, too! Just learn what works for you when it comes to styling, and you'll be in the clear! 

And if you're on the older side, I'm sure your parents won't be too mad! It was your choice, and it's only temporary. Just be honest and upfront with them, and I'm sure they'll understand! In fact, if you have a mom, chances are very high that she probably did something very similar when she was your age or when she was a young adult- many people do! My mom wasn't mad when I cut mine, although she did laugh and say "I hope you're ready for the upkeep," which is pretty much what I'm telling you now! But she cut, dyed, fried, and bleached her hair numerous times over the past 20+ years, so she totally understood.

Anyways, invest in a comb, hair dryer, and a set of decent size velcro-hair rollers if you do/ did cut them! I wish I had my rollers when I had my fringe :<

(Omg, this is so long. Can you tell I like talking about hair/ fashion?)

And I'm sure they look amazing! I'm so excited for you to have a fringe, because they are SO HECKIN' COOL!! :D

Best of luck, Bunny!! 

Thank you so much for the advice and i cut them last night i think that they are cute and im 12-14 i dont wanna say my real age just an age group lol
by (220 points)
I had already cut them last night but idk how to tell them bc idk if they will get mad at me but theres a chance they wont but idk
0 votes
by (27.1k points)
um if they notice say a kid at school did it or something srry if you are homeschooled
by (220 points)
im not but i have to see them in the morning first thing and i dont wanna hide it from them but idk if they will be mad abt it ?

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