+5 votes
in Venting by (155k points)
Who else sees 7 year old girls walking around with 7 pounds of makeup on their face and an iPhone 15 pro in their hand and is annoyed. Like when we were 7 we were saying "Swiper no Swiping" loll. But seriously it is so annoying bc I couldn't even wear foundation till I was like 12 1/2 and no mascara until I was 13 I didn't even have a phone till I was 14.
by (450 points)
omg, it makes me so mad because I'm 13 and I still have an Apple phone and don't wear a lot of makeup eitherrrrrrr!!!!!

5 Answers

0 votes
by (5.7k points)
This is SO true. I don't even have a phone yet and 1st graders are doing who knows what on the latest Iphones :'3
+3 votes
by (68.7k points)
FOR REAL when I was 7 I wanted light up sneakers and bangs My older cousin scared me into thinking makeup replaces you skin soooooooo until i was 10 I didnt even look at makeup.......
by (953k points)
I also wanted light-up sneakers when I was 7. My mom didn’t let me have them though.
by (155k points)
I was 11 still rocking my light up sneakers. And then my friends sister who was 7 said "your still wear those? No one wears them in my school anymore" yeah.
by (68.7k points)
by (263k points)

Tbh I still want light-up sneakers. I should get some laughing-tears

by (68.7k points)
You do you
by (155k points)
Yes!!! They're so fun lol
+2 votes
by (953k points)
I’ve seen those.

The people I see are always 9 year-old girls that are Hispanic (I’m not tryna put them down, they’re actually really cool) and they’re pretty short and they wear jeans and they always have the latest iPhone in their jean pocket. And they always drink Starbucks. Not like the black coffee like my mom drinks, but the fancy frapuchinos.

As for makeup, I haven’t really paid attention to that. But most of them probably do wear makeup.
by (776k points)
my  cousins are one of those Hispanic kids

most of my classmates are Hispanic, and the girls also act like that (i'm Hispanic myself, thanks for calling me cool)
by (953k points)
No problem. *dabs*
by (776k points)

and youre a cool Norwegian-American bow

by (953k points)



by (213k points)

Im hispanic, have an Iphone14, wear jeans (shorts but not so short you can see stuff), Im short and Im not like that T_T but im not nine

by (953k points)
Good for you, because the iPhone 14 isn’t the newest iPhone anymore.

I also forgot that most of them wear crop tops, especially sweater crop tops.
by (213k points)
Oh ye
by (776k points)
The Iphone 15 is crusty
by (263k points)
Elo are you sure they're nine lol? Some Latinas can be very small and look young! :p
by (776k points)
Thats true, A lot of my family members (specially the women) look really ypung

My mom is in her early 50s and she looks 25-

I look a bit older for my age... ive been told I looked 16-18
by (213k points)
by (953k points)
Yeah I’m sure. (Some may be 10 also, they’re usually in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade)
by (776k points)
+1 vote
by (202k points)
IT IS SOOOO ANNOYING!! I cant wear makeup and Im not allowed to have a phone
+1 vote
by (776k points)
I hate kids like that

When I was 8, all I wanted were barbies and Oshkosh clothes

I'm almost 14 now, and I don't even want to wear makeup, listen to music with swears or own an expensive phone. I own a 2 year old samsung phone and it's cool
by (953k points)
Same for the expensive phone. In fact, I’m happier with a 10 year-old phone than a 1 year-old phone. (I have a 13 year-old iPod Touch and I’m happy with it, my main phone is 1.5 years old)
by (776k points)
by (953k points)
I think the features on the Samsung Galaxy S4 are really cool. Like, what other phone (other than maybe the Galaxy Note series) has the Air View gestures?

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