+1 vote
in Other by (202k points)

Okay can U help me figure out what to put next

It all started when a baby boy was born. His name was Mikel, and his parents immediately noticed he was an extraordinary child. They became terrified and the very night of his birth he was put in a dumpster to starve. He was left in there all night but in the morning a young woman heard his cries and saved him. She took him home and raised him as her own with her 1-year-old son James. After only a year with her new child, the woman notices some strange things about him. At night his eyes glowed a bright yellow but during the daytime they were green. Instead of drinking milk like most children, he feasted on meat. One night the family's dog went missing. When the woman checked in Mikel's room she noticed there was blood on the walls and Mickel was gone. Fearing for her child she searched everywhere. Only when she went to the basement did she discover that Mikel was safe and had eaten the dog fur and all! She scolded him and sent him to bed immediately. Mikel's strangeness only grew. By the time he was six, he could turn into any creature alive. When he was eight he started to grow fangs. . He had a fast and horrible temper and was dangerous to whoever crossed him. You have to control the beast his mother constantly told him. But it's so hard! You are becoming dangerous Mikel you need to gain control she held his hand you can do it. Mikel closed his eyes and focused. He felt his claws and fangs slowly shrink. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes. His mother handed him a mirror. Mikel looked at his reflection.

His normally pale cheeks were bright pink and his eyes were red and swollen. Sweat rolled down his forehead. His mother patted his back it will get easier when you get older she said. Mikel looked in the mirror again I hope so.


5 years later

Mikel took a deep breath. 

Okay now what should I but here. UH I HATE THESE WRITERS BLOCKS!!!



1 Answer

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by (56.8k points)
Best answer

Ok, so I would add quotation marks but after ‘Mikel took a deep breath’  I would put… ‘Mikel took a deep breath. Will all his might, he forced himself to remain calm. Control the beast control the beast control the beast he thought. Perspiration trickled down his neck as he closed his eyes and breathed in, breathed out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Taking rhythmic gulps of air, he imagined the beast being squashed between 2 boulders. Breathe in, breathe out. Mikel opened his eyes. Staring in the mirror, he noticed that the sweat had dried, and his face was flushed with exhaustion. But he had done it. For the time being, of course. His mother had told him it would never go away completely, but if he wanted to go to school, he would have to control the beast. He was nervous, though. Not first day of school jitters like most people, but he was worried about hurting other kids. And what if people found out his secret? What would they think of him? He had heard stories about mythological beings, and people ran away from them. Would people run away from him? He wasn’t normal, he was…Weird. ‘No’ he told himself sternly, while at the same time concentrating on squashing the beast. I am…extraordinary. Not weird. Now focus. He closed his eyes once more and absorbed himself in the wonders of his extraordinary mind.

u like? Hopefully it worked and ur writers block went away. I HATE WRITERS BLOCK. it’s soooooo annoying. But yeah! Put pt 2 of the story after u come up with some more!

by (202k points)
Thank You so much!!!
by (202k points)
Is it okay if I use that paragraph
by (202k points)
Any more tips!
by (56.8k points)
Ofc it’s ok if u use that! I’d be honored! And… tips… I’d add more punctuation. If you would like, I can be your editor
by (202k points)
YES!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! Also I LOVED your story U wrote. It was super good
by (56.8k points)
OK! Tell me what u need help with!
by (202k points)
MAKING THE WORDS FLOW!!!!! Im horrible at that.
by (56.8k points)
Ok! Unfortunately, this is the last time I’ll be in today, but I’ll be around tomorrow!

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