+1 vote
in Ask KidzSearch Staff by
Hej (I'm on my alt)

Can you add a tag-lock feature in case somebody wants nobody to use the tag unless it's them or about a topic

A lot of people (including CatLover) keep using my Scandinavian tags for no reason, and it is super annoying so I want to lock the tags

I also made a new Nordic History/Vasa dynasty/meme tag (#gustav-vasa-ate-my-money) and I don't want any person who dont know who Gustav Vasa was to use my tag


4 Answers

0 votes
by (345k points)
We can look into personal tags that can only be used by the owner of it. Maybe as a reward for getting a certain number of points? However, you would need to tell us the tags you want reserved.
by (774k points)
Thats what I do

Everyone keeps using my tags

However, My some of my tags (Such as the Gustav Vasa tag) I want them not to be personal, but only for posts related to Nordic history
0 votes
by (262k points)
Hey there!!

Honestly, what's wrong with using a tag, even if it doesn't match their content? It doesn't hurt anyone. In fact, it may draw awareness to your cause/interests! :) Although it's rare, I've had people use my tag when it really doesn't concern me, but I always just try and make sure to answer the post that has it. It's like a bat-signal for me, ahaha!!

And again, KT automatically suggests tags when you create a post. Some users (namely new ones) just click at random or grab the first few that are suggested. When I make posts, your tags often come up as one of the first few suggested, even though I never post about that sorta thing.

Besides, how would KT even create something like that? AI?
by (774k points)

also in the past, there were users who spammed random tags. for example, they would post something with the tag "art" and not related to art.

Im not saying that all tags should be locked, neutral tags like #plzanswer shouldnt be locked since they can be used regardless of the post. but Gamekid said she wanted her tag blocked, and I want my tags blocked unless the post is related to them
by (202k points)
Yes I agree
by (774k points)
0 votes
by (202k points)
As long as you dont use my gamekid tag I don't care
+1 vote
by (159k points)
Carly, it’s not the end of the world when someone uses your tag.

You used mine and I’m not complaining about it.
by (950k points)

Agreed. All of this tag drama is getting out of hand.

Guys, just use related tags and don’t use too many tags. It’s that simple.

by (154k points)
Exactly!! Tags don’t need to be owned. The whole point is everyone can use them. If you don’t want someone to use your tag don’t make one

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