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I mean they don't beleive in God so why do they celebrate it?
by (21.8k points)
I don't believe in god and I celebrate it I look for eggs and eat candy
Easter is the day my best friend did the impossible.

5 Answers

0 votes
by (111k points)
eating a brunch with family and then having an egg hunt
Where do you think it originated from then?
by (262k points)

Actually, the Easter Bunny is far from a Christian belief. Well, if it is, it's a bad thing. The Easter Bunny is actually known as a 'Pooka' or 'Puca," and can bring both good or bad fortune as they are Irish spirits. There have been several movies about or including Pookas, many of which are in a rabbit form. I mean, have you seen the old pictures of the Easter Bunny!? That stuff is the stuff of nightmares! Here's a couple examples:

Another fun fact: Although Santa can be linked to Christianity through Saint Nicholas, he's also well known throughout Pagan culture. Let that sink in.

Satism is literally everywhere these days.
by (84.5k points)
Umm have you ever looked at them MAIN RELIGION of Ireland

by (262k points)
These days? Babe, maybe do some research before you start claiming that things originated from our religion when they really didn't.

Also Mel, I think it's Roman Catholicism? But many kinds of magic and pagan beliefs have come out of Ireland. How do you explain the Leprechaun? He's technically a fairy, not just some mascot.

Plus, I believe there was lots about mermaids and sirens that came out of Ireland. Now, I'm not saying Christianity denies the existence of these creatures, but lets be so fr: they're not good news.
Well where do you think those ledgends came from?
by (154k points)

Nadyasl in case you didn’t know not everything originated from Christian religion

by (262k points)
Nadyasl? You're joking, right? I have NEVER, NOT ONCE, EVER, seen anything praising this sort of thing in the Bible. I'm literally a Christian, and I've got to agree with PSloth- although there might be similarities, not everything came from our religion.

What!!!, no I'm not saying that. I'm saying that legend have a little truth in them. The natives and there suspicion about e​​​​​vil beings. Ring a bell.

by (84.5k points)

Yeah that's kinda true
What I am really saying is that demons have been trying and succeeding into manipulating humans for 6000 years. They know every single weakness (and we have a lot), they can manipulate you easily wether you believe in them or not.
by (154k points)
Are you trying to say the Easter bunny is a demon-
by (523k points)

evil = rabbit-face


The plot thickens wow

by (84.5k points)
I think it originated from a evil spirit (or demon). I mean the picture isn't pretty.
by (154k points)
Lol the easter bunny is a demon omg
He won't bring you anything (wink), not that he does, he.
0 votes
by (33.3k points)
I don't quite know, but because easter was (commercialized???) into some type of egg hunt with a bunny that (lays eggs?????) . So, to them an egg hunt with toys and candy and oh look, cute animals! And don't get me wrong, you can be Christian and still celebrate easter like that. You can be an Athiest and not celebrate easter like that. But either way, Easter IS about Jesus's birthday, but again, celebrate it however you'd like. Just remember the original meaning.
by (523k points)
Yeah, like Christmas!

Christmas is for everyone, not just Christians x3

But nobody denies that it relates to Jesus.
by (33.3k points)
you would be quite correct!
by (523k points)
And so would you, my fren :D
by (774k points)
I'm Christian, and my family celebrates it the Non-Christian way (But we do have religious themed decor during Easter tho)
0 votes
by (154k points)
Easter to athiests and the rest of the world who celebrate it that aren’t christian is about getting together with family for an easter egg hunt, where we can socialize and especially entertain the little children with candy and the easter bunny. It’s more of a celebration of spring than anything.
by (523k points)
Couldn't have said it better myself x3

I went to answer, but all I would say is something about chocolate, eggs, bunny, etc. x3

Everybody's been celebrating Easter regardless if they're Christian or not for a while, so this is a kind of weird question...
Then where do you think it originated from?
by (154k points)
We all know it originated from Christian belief, however the Christian easter and the easter celebrating spring aren’t the same kind of easter. I don’t see your problem with it.
I don't have a problem with it I'm just wondering how you think that can be coincidence.
by (154k points)
I never said it was. I know it started as a Christian belief, but then it began to spiral and become something not Christian-
0 votes
by (202k points)
One answer The easter bunny and spring
0 votes
by (262k points)
Good question!

I don't know if many do, but I think they celebrate it more in a way of like, a change of seasons and new life!

Just my guess, though :)

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