+5 votes
in Mental Health by (261k points)
Hey, so, this is kinda awkward, as I haven't really vented on here in quite awhile. Anyways, I'm just kinda going through some stuff right now, and I'm not sure if it's very healthy.

Some of you saw on an answer earlier that I may have developed psychosis due to chronic sleep deprivation from staying up so late to complete my school work. And I don't mean sleep deprivation like "oh haha, I got 6 hours of sleep and pulled an all-nighter on Saturday!" I truly, truly mean sleep deprivation. On nights Sunday through Thursday, I never, ever, EVER get more that 4 hours of sleep. I crash and sleep all day Saturday. I have been doing this for several months now. And just these past three weeks, I have pulled at least 10 all-nighters, some of which were consecutive. And it's all just to do my school work and get good grades... Some nights I can't even finish my homework. I run out of time.

Chronic sleep deprivation as well as chronic mental and physical stress can cause psychosis, which I believe it has. I fit all of the symptoms- hallucinations and delusions are just two.

I've also been blacking out, and not knowing how I got there. I was in the shower last week, got in, and I don't remember anything after that, except for waking up sitting on the edge of the tub with my hair smelling like strawberries. I don't know what happened in between, but at least I can safely assume I just washed my hair. But I truly don't remember.

I'm so, so incredibly weak because of this. I've been losing weight, slowly but surely, because I am not used to eating for a body that is awake 24+ hours of the day. I also just had another interview for a second lifeguard job, and I had to swim 300 meters and then dive down 10 feet to retrieve a 15 lbs. brick, and swim another 100 meters with the brick out of the water. As soon as I completed these (the brick test was timed, but I made it), I got out, and I couldn't walk I was so tired and weak. So I played it off in front of the interviewer and sat for a few minutes, acting like I just had to catch my breath (nah girl, I couldn't even STAND). After those few minutes passed, I stood up and my vision went dim, and I had tunnel vision. I slowly walked to the locker room to change into dry clothes to continue the interview (the verbal part), and vomited as soon as I got in there. I then got dressed and continued the interview like nothing happened.

I'm to weak to walk down stairs. I cling to the wall and railing for dear life. I fell at school the other day as well while walking down the stairs, because the stairs looked like they were swirling. It was very awkward.

Just holding anything above 8 pounds makes me tremble and shake. Well, I tremble and shake in general, but I fear I will drop it because I am so weak. You get the idea.

I see weird things. My vision flickers, and birds that are in the yard at school look distorted. Like, they're messed up. I can't explain it, but it frightens me a little. I also hear things sometimes, like water running. But there's nothing. I also hear and feel hot air being blown into my ear, but again, there's nothing there.

I talk and laugh in my sleep (when I do get sleep, that is), and it wakes me up. Last night I woke myself up because I heard myself talking about a dog. My mom also hear me, and says it's concerning.

I truly believe that something will happen for me (delusions). Like, truly truly, and I know it's extreme. I won't get into it though.

I have also become a bit hypersensitive and paranoid.

Anyways, I know this is stupid, but I truly don't know if I can keep doing this. I've actually tried sleeping a bit longer over spring break, but the symptoms won't go away, but I don't want to see a doctor or be medicated. I'm just a little scared bros, both for me, my future, and even my job and those who come to the pool. I need these jobs, but I know I'm not fit to serve...

Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant. I know it's cringy lol. But wish me luck, I guess.

12 Answers

0 votes
by (68.7k points)
+1 vote
by (165k points)
omg just saw this!
I'm so sorry! That's so scary! I'm praying you and hope you figure this out! ❤️
+1 vote
by (83.0k points)
Please go to the doctor this is an actual problem. Throwing up and brushing off is not good. I'm praying for u.
+1 vote
by (56.8k points)
Listen. It’s not crazy. U need help. U need to go to a doctor. Ik u dont want to, and I get u. I hate doctors. But u need it. Please. Just for me. This is not good. Not good at all. Please, Cheer. Please.
+2 votes
by (3.6k points)
Gurl, this is NOT cringe or silly or what ever. It's u needing help. U really need to see a doctor or something. It will help. Also mental wards aren't bad. Please get some help! I would help u if I could, but I can't and I don't think anyone else here can give u the help u need. Please see a doctor.

- Raphy :)
+4 votes
by (159k points)
Tell the school you are not getting the appropriate sleep you need, and there is not much you can do to help that other than taking a day off and sleeping through it. It is the best option you have other than just sleeping through saturday.

About your vision, it is probably a result of your sleep deprivation. If it is not, visit an ophthalmologist to help.

And the paranoia is completely normal- once again, probably a result of your sleep deprivation.

Go up to the principal, and give them an explanation something along the lines of this:

“(Insert ma’am or sir), I am not getting the appropriate sleep I need. I am having to stay up late nights doing piles of work that have been assigned to me. Right now in life, I am dealing with a lot of stress from my sleep deprivation. I have been having sensory issues due to my lack of sleep. A day off, maybe Friday or Monday will be fine. I will make up the work missed on that day. The sleep deprivation will eventually affect my academic performance, so a day off would be beneficial to both my grades and my health. Do I have your permission, (insert sir or ma’am)?”

If you don’t want to speak to them verbally, send them an email describing your problems and request a day off.

Hope this helps, Cheer.

Get well soon.
by (261k points)
I've already missed a lot of school by trying to get sleep, and my grades have seriously been slipping. I've practically used up all the days I can skip, and any more will likely get me expelled (I've missed A LOT of school). Also, the school does NOT care- they just admire my determination to get work done and say it's preparing me for college (yeah right, college is EZ compared to this)!

Although the paranoia makes sense, this is chronic sleep deprivation (again, if not psychosis- I fit all the symptoms), and I still black out, see and hear strange things, things disappear from my hands one second and then I blink, and then they're on the floor, and I just overall feel very messed up and not right in the mind. Not to sound cringy or fish for something or be that person online who collects mental illnesses like Pokemon cards (believe me, Ik the type). Again though, this all could just be sleep deprivation, and nothing more.

Unfortunately, there is no real solution to this, except for taking care of myself properly, which I won't be able to do until next month after exams (unless I take meds, which I REFUSE to do). This was just a rant, but I truly, TRULY appreciate the time you took to read this and respond with advice :)
+3 votes
by (106k points)
You need to get more sleep and tell your parents if you have too much school before something serious happens
by (261k points)

I've already talked to my mom, and she says it's more of just sleep deprivation, which I agree could be possible. 

And unfortunately, I have brought it up to teachers, and they just admire my work ethic and determination to take so many difficult classes at once, and it's just preparing me for college. BUT GIRL, IN COLLEGE YOU ONLY TAKE 3 CLASSES AND HAVE ACTUAL CLASS LIKE 4 DAYS A WEEK- I'M IN 5 COLLEGE COURSES AND ONE REGULAR HIGH SCHOOL CLASS, 5 DAYS A WEEK skull They really need to shut up about it, because this is MUCH worse than college. 

And dude, I want to sleep more than anything in the world. But I simply have no time! :(

Anyways, I truly appreciate you reading my rant haha <3 

+2 votes
by (154k points)
You really need to talk to a doctor about this. Medication can help with sleep as well and that can clear symptoms. Maybe try taking melatonin at night? You should talk to a doctor though, this isn’t good.
by (261k points)
I've actually read that medication can cause further damage. Some meds, anyways, and I fear being put on them SO much!

It's also not that I can't sleep- like, I have ZERO TIME to sleep. Because when I do have time, I crash! But I have to force myself to stay awake :(

Thanks for reading my silly rant though. Now that I'm thinking about it though, it's kinda cringe LOL.
by (154k points)
Oh okay! I thought this was more of a cant sleep thing, and my mom takes medicine to sleep as its the only way for her to get sleep so…

Yeah you should convince your teachers to cut you some slack or something, maybe telling a counselor could help you with your classes?

Your rant is not cringe, trust me-

Man all schools needed a designated nap time.
+2 votes
by (949k points)
Okay, you NEED to tell your teachers AND your parents. And your doctor.

Like, this is serious. Not getting enough sleep can and WILL (eventually) be fatal.
by (261k points)

I told my mom, but she thinks it's merely sleep deprivation, which could be totally possible. But some of my symptoms seem a little extreme for that. She also yells at me over it, so it's sparklesawkward.sparkles 

I also told my teachers (to a degree), and they just admire my ability to work under high stress and my determination, and that this is just preparing me for college. Like, no miss gurl, this is FAR WORSE than college! I'm taking 5 college classes (two of which are AP, and are actually infamously harder than the typical college course) and a regular high school class, whereas a normal college kid takes 3 college classes, around 4 days a week. I go 5 days a week. So, they're zero help :/ 

I'm afraid of doctors. I'm afraid of medications, and what it will do. I'm scared of the mental hospital, and I'm afraid I'm just making all this up and lying to myself. I'm just, so scared, I guess. 

by (949k points)
Well, the only (well, it’s the most well-known way, there could be some random portal in the universe) way to get over your fear of doctors and medications and stuff is to FACE it.
+4 votes
by (523k points)
Cheer, I'll tell you this: not getting help is getting you nowhere. You need to either talk to your teachers or a therapist, or someone else who can help you. This type of stuff is dangerous.

Please talk to a professional or someone who could help you. I don't want you to get hurt... And it's already going down a dark road.
by (32.8k points)
I really agree with this
by (261k points)
I've talked to an online therapist (LOL) so I stay anonymous, and she thinks I should see a doctor as well. But my teachers are no help (I'm too tired to type it out again LOL but you'll see it in my responses to other people), and I'm deathly afraid of doctors, hospitals, and medications. I've had poor experiences with surgeries :/

So far I've been doing research on how to get better without meds, and it's very possible. Unfortunately, it requires a good sleep schedule and eating healthy/ normally, both of which are incredibly difficult and nearly impossible for me to do for at least another few weeks. As soon as my AP exams are over early next month, I should be able to get back on track. It's just... been a really rough 6 months.

And this sort of ties into when I went to leave for good, and I was talking about dropping out of school. This was the beginning of that reasoning. Next year, I'm taking four classes and SLACKING OFF!!
by (523k points)
Just make sure that you at least take some steps into getting back into a healthy rhythm, even if you can't do some others right away. I want my big online sister to be okay x3

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