+19 votes
in Other by (185k points)

Today, we're going to talk about when the crush finds out that you like him/her and view Kidzsearchers' crush stories, just like you. Hope you enjoy this issue, and make sure to submit your story

Story Time:

First, we're going to talk about when the crush finds out about you know what. One of the most embarrassing moments, right? Whether your friends told the whole school or you just accidentally say, no one want's this. Here's a story of mine which is a lot like this, but even WORSE:

So my first crush was this guy that I've liked from 2nd-5th grade. Pretty long right? But in 5th grade, my obsession with him ended, just like that. So since him and I were in the band together, I sat the farthest away from him. Like there are people that just talk on, and on, and on, to their crushes, but people like me will turn cherry red and have butterflies fluttering in their stomachs when they see their crush about a mile away, and then turn around and run, your heart beating like drums a-=So it was the end of a school rehersal, since there was a spring concert that night. People were walking away, packing their instruments, and talking, not even aware that people are trying to get through. (I play the violin, BTW a-=D) I was clumsily tripping over people's feet, like always, when I saw him. He was walking calmly with his trumpet in his hand, looking as cute as ever. And finally his eyes met mine. For a few moments, it felt like it was just him and I, in this never ending desert. But before I could even look away, he gave me this disgusted look, like I was an alien from Mars, and then walked away. I've never seen anyone ever do that to me, considering I was the 'nice' person and all. But this never has happened to me. I just stand there, with my jaw, dropped to the ground. I was droopy all day that day. When I came home, I almost cried. The person I've known, the person I've liked for like, forever, just totally betrayed me. Who will I now call my crush? But then, I gt mad. Like, really mad. threaten What did I ever see in this selfish guy? Even if he did know he liked me, couldn't he have broken it down nicely, instead of almost bullying me? I told myself everyday after that day, that he was never ever worthy of being a crush, friend, or anyone I would've thought about. I mean, I know he's a good person, but seriously? I just thought that act was entirely immature. I feel better to this day, in case you're asking, and found a new guy, who would never do anything like this, to me. (But definitely my crush) 
So girls and guys, here's a lesson: Don't let anyone make make you feel bad- I lost my self-esteem, a bit of my confidence, and my lack of trust. But I kept strong. So can you. Be the lightning, not the thunder.

Girls Like You On KS with Secret Crushes

So, I've got some interesting stories last week, about their crushes. I've really enjoyed reading them and am so happy that you guys were confident enough to share your story. But next time, I will only choose one story. It's not really a competition, but I would like if the stories were descriptive. Not that these weren't. In fact these were awesome. So I encourage you guys to share more stories, this week! 

Freindsrule- Troubled with the Crush

I know we are all one with this world crushes or no crushes, but its hard when your crush leaves you or even let's you down. My words are mostly lioke I may have a crush I may not,but its hard when you change schools and then leasve the person you like. Broken hearted. I am probably nevertnevert going to see him again. I am to worried about calling him. What if his phone broke or what if I have a frog in my throut, or worse I call the wrong number. Its hard you know. I need advice or maybe a chair no I need some help with this.
Can you guys help this girl? Any tips, advice? I think she would really appreciate it. 

Gemheart- The Description of My Crush

My crush is a year or two older than me, super cute, smart, and basically really nice. He holds my same Beliefs and all that. But, he likes the LORD OF THE RINGS while I like HARRY POTTER. I can't relate to him at all! XD
Omigosh, I can totally relate to this!

Lollypopqueen- Celeb Crushes

I had a crush on this actor named Asa Butterfield he is a great actor and I hope to work with him one day. Also like this guy named Mark tuan he's make alot of my favorite music. But personally I like this guy named MacKinzie Jewel he's a comedian he's super funny and nice I can't help but crush on him a bit. :)

I think I know Asa Butterfield. Wasn't he the main character in the movie, Miss Pergrine's Home for Peculiar Children?

Awesome stories, guys!

Next week's topic will be Relationships and How to Deal With Them. 

Hope you liked this week's issue!

oh,I'm sorry.

5 Answers

0 votes
What an amazingly interesting series! Great job, Lou :D
0 votes
by (31.8k points)

My story is almost the same as yours. I'm sorry, I know how it feels like, my crush made a face at me as well, at first-I felt embarrassed then..I felt heartbroken. It was just a small look so..it all started with this moment...when we were playing Smash Bros..and he just gave me his controller and for a while taught me how to become better at Nintendo, idk why, but something happened then....okay so later, he started being really nice to me, and obviusly I had to be nice to him, when he asked if he could try to play my ukulele (which I NEVER let anyone touch) I let him play it for a while.

Anyways then, when I was at this cafe with my family, he came along with his (he's kinda a family friend) and I had a sandwhich, it was those big fast food sandwitches, and it was really big, and I had some mustard on my mouth and stuff and I kinda wiped it off and he made a face like "Eww, who the heck is this girl" like he just met me and I was some kinda big alien who poops dog eyes. I felt extremely embarrased and made an "Oh, sorry" look at him and he just made a "you are so annoying, could you just stop it" look and I came home crying and I just was really upset.

Then later, we had to go to this fancy restraunt, I chose a really pretty dress, just cuz, if I chose this random ugly dress, he might not like me. So I had to look good in front of my crush. And then, when I was talking to his sister in the restraunt, when he was in front of us like yawning, since no one was talking to him and he was bored. So he joined in the conversation like, "Oh, that sounds instresting" and said that he wanted to talk with us, so I was sooo happy that he wanted to talk to me, and I said the whole story, that I was telling his sister, and I said it really quickly and he made a face, I didn't know if it was an, "Uhh...ok?" face or an "Oh, that's cool"! face or an "Whatever, that's boring" face.

He makes a lotta faces. Now, I don't like him that much anymore, cuz I just think he doesn't like me, once when my mom was calling his mom, he came in and I blushed and said "Hi". And he didn't say anything just made another "Ok, whatever" face.

So..I just don't like him that much anymore....

+2 votes
by (350k points)

I'm hearting all of these CrushTalks. Here's my story:

So, anyway. Ooooh, bold type. Nevermind. So, I don't drop any hints whatsoever. I'm just nervous all the time. But in my karate place, one of the dudes in there that I had a crush on would glance my way a ton. IDK what this means. He would glance, look down, glance, look down, but whenever we would make eye contact, he would hold it. I'm not sure if he knows...?



by (27.7k points)
That happens all the time with me but not with my crush with another guy I kinda like but not that much anymore but it still happens all the time and I don't mean to stare at him but maybe part of me still likes him or not.....not.
by (110k points)
If they hold eye contact for more than 8/8.2 seconds, they like you
+1 vote
by (350k points)
Luv. My crush also is very... funny! Win, win, and win.

Like I said, neva gonna happen with him,
by (110k points)

haha. mine's my best guy friend. speechlessit is very difficult xD. i am bad @ this tho so i have no advice. seriously. 

+1 vote
This cracked me up! This is awesome! You should start a dating blog!

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