+12 votes
in Books / General by (350k points)


What is an OC?

An OC, or original character, can be rather a fan-made character (i.e, a Harry Potter fan-character like Asia: she doesn't exist in the actual series but in fanfictions set in the Harry Potter world, she does), or a completely original character (such as a character created for an original manga).

Do you have any OCs?

 I have 3 major OCs at this point: Rinji Shukei/Yukinko Bosetsu (a Bleach anime fan-character), Goldicat the Cat (a FNAF fan-character that has since her invention been developed into more of a mascot; she is more of a completely original character now, as her inspiration was from a series but I developed her away from it), and Asia Abernathy-Lovegood (a Harry Potter fan-character created and placed in Silens I). 


OC Questions 

1. Does s/he play an instrument (and is s/he good at it)?
2. What is his/her personality and defining character traits (not appearance, but personality)?
3. What is his/her appearance and defining physical trails (appearance)?
4. What is his/her fashion sense?
5. What are his/her character flaws?
6. What is a short overview of his/her past/history?
7. Who would s/he save first (and in what order would s/he save the others): beloved parent, best friend, pet, complete stranger, baby?
8. Does s/he struggle with:
    8.1: External conflict (AKA an injury like a twisted ankle or something more serious)?
    8.2: Man VS Man conflict (such as trying to kill or find someone)?
    8.3: Internal conflict (such as mental illness)?
9. Is s/he:
    9.1: Completely original?
    9.2: A fan-character?
    9.3: A mascot?
    9.4: A representation of you?
10: What is his/her motives and goal?
11. How does s/he treat friends?


-Never make a character "perfect". AKA, as for question 5., do not say "S/HE HAS NO CHARACTER FLAWS". That makes the character unrealistic, and makes you, as the author, sound a little cheesy. I learned this the hard way. 

-That being said, don't make a character overly "tragic" either. If the character is the ONLY tragic character, then that's fine, but try to find sunshine in their life, if only just a little.

-Be creative, and don't copy directly from sources such as your favorite books/mangas/shows/animes/etc.

-Answer the questions below! Remember to list your character's name, gender, race (alien, human, etc), age, if s/he is a fan-character (and if s/he is, from what fandom s/he's from), etc. Enjoy! I will answer the question in a different post with my 3 OCs.


9 Answers

0 votes
by (165k points)
Name: Alexian Tania

Age: 13

Race: Human (as far as she knows)

She is a fan character from Percy Jackson

 Music: Yes, she plays Guitar and is pretty good at it. And she also sings (only when she is alone)

Traits: She is quiet when she is not comfortable but when she warms up, she can be loud and sarcastic. She is loyal and brave. Intelligent and thoughtful but also a bit dark.

Appearance: She has light light brown skin and dark dark brown curly hair. her eyes are gray and when she is mad get stormy. (Ik that might look a bit weird but she isn't very dark at all just tanned really) she is 5'1 with long legs and a slender body.

Fashion sense:
Her names super similar to Avina's XD.  I like Alexian. Hahaha, pretty similar with the instruments too.

When, I'm in a uncomfortable situation. I kind of get really quiet and act weird. Being weird just brings me comfort. I guess.

Anyway, She is awesome
by (165k points)
Oops sorry I will can that! XD that's interesting being weird is comforting XD
0 votes

I am doing this yet again. *sighs at herself" ;)

Avina ( Avvie ) Tani

Gender: Female

Race: Human\ Subject S

Age: 14

She is a fan made character from Spider-Man.

. Does s/he play an instrument (and is s/he good at it)?
 She plays the guitar, though she doesn't play it as often as she used to. She also can sing, but she doesn't practice so her voice can hit a wrong note. As for her guitarist skills, she is okay at it. If she practiced more she could become amazing.

What is his/her personality and defining character traits (not appearance, but personality)?

Empathetic, Determined, Forgetful, Emotional, and Bold. She has many others , but these are the ones that shine the most.

3. What is his/her appearance and defining physical trails (appearance)

She has thick, and shiny black hair that goes down to her mid back. Her large eyes are a very dark brown almost black. She has a button nose and a narrowish face, and she is 5'5 and slender.

4. What is his/her fashion sense?
Her fashion sense consists of the colors black, grey, and white. She'll often have a pop of orange, pink, yellow, red, blue, green, lavender, etc. She tends to wear converse, hoodies, overalls, striped shirts, graphic tees, sneakers. When she is in a formal situation she doesn't really change unless her parents make her than she puts on a bracelet or some earings.
5. What are his/her character flaws?
 Ditzy, can be too emotional, whiny, stubborn, over-the-top, lazy, and prideful . etc.
6. What is a short overview of his/her past/history?
She moved around a lot being born in Australia and 14 in New York
When she was 2 her family had a baby boy. When she was 3, She moved to India. When she was five she moved to the US. When she was 6, She accidentally killed her brother and she moved . When she was 7 she moved back to Australia, and later that year moved to Taiwan. When she was 9, She accidentally killed Two of her cousins then she moved to Brazil, When she was 11 She was kidnapped for an entire year later .  She moved to the US again. A month before her Fourteenth birthday. Yeah.
7. Who would s/he save first (and in what order would s/he save the others): beloved parent, best friend, pet, complete stranger, baby?
Best friend, baby, beloved parent, complete stranger, pet.
8.1: External conflict (AKA an injury like a twisted ankle or something more serious)?
As far as she knows she is a healthy teenage girl.
8.2: Man VS Man conflict (such as trying to kill or find someone)?
8.3: Internal conflict (such as mental illness)?
She is a fan character.
10: What is his/her motives and goal?
To be a hero, and have friends 
11. How does s/he treat friends?
She treats them like she would treat a sibling.



by (165k points)
Wow she sounds like me expect I have never killed anyone! XD

Love it I should do one!

Hahaha, I keep doing thatplotting*Smirks*. Guess we're really similar. ( no, she isn't based off of me, but she isn't based off of people I know either.)

Yeah, you should *sees that you did * 

I used this to sort of develop her as a character. Sometimes, I can't crack the code, but she really came easy. :D

What do you think of her ?

by (165k points)
I love her! I can totally see myself in her!
Heheheheheh... I was thinking' about naming her Hannie or Hannah, but it didn't fit her.
by (165k points)
Ahh thanks! Actually the leader at the camp I went to was named Hannah too!
0 votes

I have soooooooo many XD many  are superheros  though

She plays a instrument from her own world called the Flyre (  Small and smooth sounding) . She is quite good at that only because she is a quick learner.

She is very hotheaded , stubborn, and is quick to speak, but she's smart, and loyal  .

She looks kind of like Zendaya overall. Except younger and  a more definite face shape and rounder eyes. She has REALLY curly  black hair streaked with mint green.                    She is on the short side and has a thin build.

   She couldn't care what she was wearing although she tends to have wraps around her hands and  long boots. 

   Hot headed and doesn't think before she acts.

In Eleven years of life , she  has had a lot of stuff happen to her. Her mother died of an "accident" when she was seven. Her father , though devastated,  joined a rebel group, and died fighting. She saw that death. Many say the way he died was dishonorable. Soon after, she joined the group herself . her only person she trusted vanished .she thinks Madison had something to do with it.

 Best freind, baby, beloved parent, complete stranger, pet.

  1.  Yes, she gets tired way to quickly.
  2. Yes, she wants to bring justice.
  3. Yes, she is paranoid.


  1. Yes, she is a character in "Captured"
  2. No
  3. No
  4. Kind of

 Idrwant to add right now .

----------------: Do not want to answer now.



Kindanika ¥¥¥€¥¥¥



0 votes
by (11.5k points)
Emerson Lawsone

She is a magical being from the world of Hecate. She has the power of controlling anything natural (fire, plants, water, and well you get the idea). She thinks she is a very bad singer but she is actually wonderful. She soon discovers that she has the unique power of voice, which allows her to sing about something to control it. She is very kind and loving but sometimes if she gets in a mood, she has a small anger problem.  

Emerson has long black hair down to mid-back with white and blue streaks. She has electric blue eyes and a trademark blue and purple butterfly bracelet. Her fashion sense is pretty well defined but not the best. Her character flaws are her anger issues and she is very different so she doesn't have many friends.

She has a difficult past. Her dad and mom died when she was very young so she lives with her grandparents, but then they went missing so now she lives in an orphanage.She would save her parents, then  her BFF then a baby, then pet, then complete stranger.

She struggles with man vs man, she is trying to find her grandparent's captors and parents killers. She is a complete original character. Her motives are family and her goal is to have one. She treats friends kindly.
0 votes

Arnita ,Daisy ,Linkan aka Man tells

  1. Is she good at instruments? If singing counts yes also she is a quick learner she can play Piano ,Guitar, etc. Although she doesn't play them often cause she is poor.
  2. She is pretty shy never really makes any friends her one best friend is Adeline who sticks by her through and through. One of her most defining personality traits is her calmness and loyalty.
  3. Black hair with a purple streak in it she is small ,and petite , Brown eyes .
  4. Modest . Sweaters, shawls, She often doesn't care about the way she looks although she is sometimes self conscious especially around a certain boy.
  5. To shy to talk to people, has severe anxiety of the uncertain etc.
  6. Moved around slot with her parents got powers when she was ten been in danger ever since although she doesn't know about it.
  7. Baby
  8. Internal conflict
  9. She started out as daughter of Hulk then became completely original . and she sort of is a representation of me .
  10. To become a mom... If she lives that long, to become a songwriter.
  11. Kindly.
  12. Age:13
  13. Gender :Girl obviously.
  14. Human.
+1 vote
by (415k points)
Tom's personality:

Suffers depression, and makes sure nobody could see that side of him. It seems like he puts all his feelings out there, but he's so blinded by those fake feelings he's forgotten his real feelings. Anger, but sad about certain situations that effected his childhood. Selfish sort of, and can be greedy, but he gives himself these traits so he can hide his other traits. He's not loyal, he's the opposite. He loses his friends often, and doesn't treat all people the same. Tries to make himself think he's higher than other people. Hides the fact he wants his father, and tries to forget him, even though he never met him. He has many flaws, and his personality is made out of flaws.
by (165k points)
same...i am loyal but no one ever sees it... every friend i've had and let in to me just ...runs away.... it makes a scar when they do...no one ever stayed....
by (350k points)
Aw... the poor guy. It's almost like he's trying to show a totally different person that he is.
by (415k points)
He's not loyal, really just the exact opposite. But that's only because of his childhood, and how his behavior to people shaped her personality. He can never find friends cuz he's not loyal himself. This is much like me. Never had a friend in my life. Well, from people I thought were my friends, but weren't really.
by (415k points)
Exactly his personality, Gem!
by (165k points)
He's not loyal, really just the exact opposite. But that's only because of his childhood, and how his behavior to people shaped her his personality. He can never find friends cuz he's not loyal himself. This is much like me. Never had a friend in my life. Well, from people I thought were my friends, but weren't really.
by (415k points)
My mistake
+1 vote
by (4.3k points)
name: Ellie. (BTW #heartstintin)


race: human


1.yes!!! she plays the piano and cello(I don't think she is good at it)

2. she is fun,CRAZY, kind, not very emotional(she lives with a pile of boys)

3. She is about 5.4 feet tall, normally she is in skating leggings with a pink strip on it, she normally wears a black shirt that says" Figure Skatings Must be as fast as speed skaters, As strong as gymnasts, As gracefully as ballerinas, as powerful and have good edges like hockey players........, Looking at all this makes me want to quit!!!"  she normally has sneakers with a skater on it, she has dark brown,wavy hair. Dark brown eyes. and early tan skin tone. oh, and she has broad shoulders

4. Anything skater, but for formal things DRESS IT UP. no sweaty ts

5. no very smart, over thinks a lot. can get very discharged

6.loved her family, one day tried to get killed by someone who loved her, get saved by another person, family didn't like that person so she moved away with that person and now is living with 4 other guys in an apartment.

7. her friends in that apartment.

8. all lol, just had a rolled ankle, Loves 4 guys, can't find out the one she likes more. has deslexeu

9. repersention and kinda origanal.

10. to go to the Olympics with a Quad(4) axle.

11. with compation, and loyalty.
by (350k points)
Okay! Tho I wouldn't trust sending a girl to an apartment with a bunch of 15 year-old guys...
by (4.3k points)

not all the boys are 15.

names: Ethan (age:23), Liam(age:20),Tintin(age:15),codan(age:12)

not to bad right???
by (4.3k points)


by (350k points)

(I mean it! But it's your OC.)
by (4.3k points)

I understand I real life I probably would do that IF I know and trusted the guys BUT............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Its an OC

+1 vote
by (137k points)
I have soooo many OCs that it's honestly sad. None of them are from a fandom though, I like to make  stories in my head and add characters to them XD
by (350k points)
LOL! I only have 3 OCs that I draw a lot.
by (137k points)
I don't draw my OCs, they stay locked away in my head. Lol
+1 vote
by (165k points)

kinda Midnight from silens cause i thought up her traits but knightsy is controling her, i also made my version( magpiepony made one too) of Astell, i also made Luna from rise of the wolves. under lines mean possible flaws. slanted mean most noticable by others. bolded mean most noticed by themselves.

Astell traits: holds grudges, never forgives, regret, fear, madness, anger, sadness, driven by anger and rage, loyal(ish) ect.

Midnight traits: short-tempered, loyal, obbservful, ect.

Luna traits: determined, loyal, driven by anger and rage, ect.

by (350k points)

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