+12 votes
in Books / General by (350k points)


1. Say it's your OC's birthday: what type of party would s/he like the most and what type of party would s/he despise?
2. What is your OC's fave and least fave season? (and why?)
3. Fave and least fave type of music? (and why?)
4. Fave and least fave genre of fiction/nonfiction? (and why?)
5. Fave and least fave color (and why)?
6. Fave and least fave childhood memory (and why/describe)?
7. What does your OC look for in a friend?
8. What does s/he look for in a wife/husband?
9. Any special powers?
10. What is your OC's fave and least fave food (and why)?
11. How do other people view your OC?
12. What is your OC's fave animal (their spirit animal)?
13. When is your OC's birthday?
14. What was your OC's birth like (describe key points, like where, how, what weather, etc)?
15. Your OC's fave activities?

Answer the questions below for your own OC and I will write Asia's questions soon! It should be approved shortly after this is!


5 Answers

0 votes
1. Say it's your OC's birthday: what type of party would s/he like the most and what type of party would s/he despise?
Avina, isn't really big on parties. She would much rather spend her B-day with friends just hanging around, and exploring. If she had to have a party it would be a role-playing party.  Like I said she doesn't like party's so she despises all parties.
2. What is your OC's fave and least fave season? (and why?)
Her favorite season is summer. She doesn't really enjoy school unless it's Drama, History, Art etc. Plus she is afraid to be around so many people at once. Her least favorite season is winter because she hates being crammed up inside the house. And she hates the cold.
3. Fave and least fave type of music? (and why?)
Fave: Rap, and pop, because shw likes the style of music. LFave: Country: she doesn't know why it just makes her angry for some weird reasothat
4. Fave and least fave genre of fiction/nonfiction? (and why?)
She likes fantasy, and mystery. She likes stories where the characters have character. She thinks that dystopian is kind of weird, and scares her.
5. Fave and least fave color (and why)?
Green, she enjoys being out in nature. LF:, Red. Reminds her of horrible things she has seen.
6. Fave and least fave childhood memory (and why/describe)?
Her favorite childhood memory was when her uncle flew all the way from India, to the US to see her for her birthday. Her least favorite memory was when she killed her own brother. Those both happened around the same time.
7. What does your OC look for in a friend?
Kindness, someone who won't be afraid of her., someone who will like the fact that she's weird, loyalty, sarcastic, etc.
8. What does s/he look for in a wife/husband?
Not really interested in love. Someone who is Loyal, who loves her , and isn't afraid of adventure.
9. Any special powers?
Yes. She has the power to manipulate the the air around her, and enhance, or dehance anything she wants or what she doesn't want.
10. What is your OC's fave and least fave food (and why)
She really likes anything spicy, and is willing to eat bugs. Her least favorite food is cake, and hot dogs, they taste artificial and fake.
11. How do other people view your OC?
They view as weird, ditzy, loud and obnoxious, at least to the people that don't know her well.
12. What is your OC's fave animal (their spirit animal)?
Ravens, and Eagles.
13. When is your OC's birthday?
11, 2, 2007.
14. What was your OC's birth like (describe key points, like where, how, what weather, etc)?
She was born  at 5:37 A:M at a local hospital. Unfortunately while her mom was giving birth a riot broke our across the street. Her mom was scared that they would come in the hospital, but they didn't.
15. Your OC's fave activities?
Acting, singing, exploring, baking, tiedying, etc.
+1 vote
  1. Well. , He despises roller blading parties ,cause his father makes him roller blaid  all the time . He lovesssssss  Movie nights.
  2. Summer , because he gets to swim .  Winter ,he gets too cold !I
  3. Fave: Rock      L Fave: Opera 
  4. Fave:Sci fi     L Fave : romance
  5. Fave: Yellow  L Fave :Pink
  6. When his cousin Ben's goldfish died  His favorite memory is when he made the skating team before his dad is are him practice all the time.
  7. Someone who is happy and kind . Oh and not fake.
  8. He wouldn't know yet.
  9. Superspeed
  10. Fave: Brussel sprouts  L Fave: breakfast cereals
  11. Annoying
  12. Eagles
  13. August 16 2010
  14. Skip
  15. Swimming and anything to do with water.
+1 vote

I m doing Daisy Again.

  1. Despite her shy personality she likes big party's ,because wellll,there fun! Her least favorite would have to be Sleepovers ,she is a day person.
  2. Spring and Fall (Because their the perfect temperature and so peaceful)  . Summer ,(its just so well um Hot! That and she feels like her favorite Quite places are crowded all the time)
  3. Classical  and Rap ,nd Christian music(because its old and it feels like their is so much soul into that music) .  Cheesy pop music. (Do I have to explain)
  4. Historical Fiction (Who could hate that!) Sci Fi (because she lives a sci fi life)
  5. Purple ( the colour of her streak ) Orange (the colour of fire)
  6. When she met her  old best friend stella. When she got her powers.
  7. Loyalty , being th opposite of her in a not shy way.
  8. Well she is to young for that so fast forward to when she is a adult . Loyalty, Humor, caring Imperfections.
  9. Yes magic ,and turning into a fire monster whenever she is angry.
  10. Mexican, (cause it tastes good)  Soups.
  11. They view her as a girl who crack under pressure ,which btw her worst times are before pressure. Shy , unsociable.
  12. Birds (they are free and she feels caged ) 
  13. October \21\2007
  14. Uhh Idk
  15. Singing writing hanging with friends babysitting.
+1 vote
by (153k points)
This is on Nori...


1) A sleepover party with her good friends Wallaby, Kia, Abby, Piper/Riley/Rose/Harper I haven’t decided lol, and Gemmalyn!

2) Fave: Summer! No school! Least fave: Fall. It’s just so... in-between.

3) Fave: Pop, and Singer-songwriter. Least fave: classical. It’s fun to play on the piano, but boring to listen to.

4) Fave: Fanfic. She loved things with characters from her favorite books. Least fave: Historical Fixtion. BORING!

5) Fave: Aqua blue. Least fave: Brown No reason.

6) Fave: Swimming in the pool at the Great Wolf Lodge Least fave: Falling out of a tree and breaking her arm

7)  Understanding, nonjudgmentalness, and happiness!


9) ADHD is her superpower.

10) Fave: Tamales. Least fave: Jam

11) Hyper and optimistic, slightly annoying.

12) Well she’s a manokit so she’d have to pick manokit

13) June 20 20?? (gem how old are the characters?!?)

14) Swimming, Scrapbooking, Baking, Jumping on the trampoline, volleyball, Running, playing piano;
by (350k points)


I think they're in Junior High.
+1 vote
by (4.3k points)
I posted my person on OC question but here is more.


1: probably a SKATING party!!!!

2: Favorite season= Winter and fall probably because its fun and she just likes it... least fave= spring, because she gets spring allergies.

3. any type as long as it is up beat!!!!

4. don't know what genre is

5. fave= pink why+who know?  least fave = muddy brown

6. fave= the day she started playing Frisbee, it was soooooooo fun!! least fave= time she got "kicked" out of her family house (look at my OC)

7. kindness, loyalty

8. she's too young for that (LOL)

9. is not using emotions a power??

10. don't have faves or least faves but is allergic to sea food and apples

11. weird, but pretty fun

12. ???????????

13. Feb. 13

14. it was in the blizzard of 2006 in pa the olympics was on so that is why she wants to go to the olmypics

15. Skating,frisbee, and stay up late at night watching movies with her "boyfriends"
by (350k points)
Cool! Genre is like "type" of music, like pop or rock.
by (4.3k points)
THANKS, the it is probably fiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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