+10 votes
in Fiction by (350k points)

I've asked this before, but not many people answered.
If your character could sing, and sing well, which artist would s/he sound like?


Rinji (BLEACH OC): Demi Lovato ( particularly "Heart Attack")

WHY?: Rinji is a very laid-back type of character, but if she could sing (she can, but she prefers playing the guitar), she'd have a voice full of emotion, like Lovato portrays in her hit "Heart Attack". 

Asia (HP/SILENS I OC): BLACKPINK ( particularly "DUDUDU")

WHY?: Being Japanese, Asia's voice is a bit different from my other OCs'. Asia has a very good voice, but she talks quite fast and is suited more for a rap style of music, like BLACKPINK is.

Goldicat (FNAF OC): Kelly Clarkson (particularly "Love So Soft")

WHY?: Goldicat, in my FNAF AU, is a good singer, and does it for a living (she also plays the piano). Her voice is a soul-ful voice and go high and is likened to sunlight, like Clarkson portrays in all her songs.


2 Answers

+1 vote

Ashton Loveharp:



+2 votes
by (415k points)

Oh cool! Here  are my OC theme songs!

Billy Allaster 'Too Good At Goodbyes'

WHY?: He more of loved someone but lost that someone, but not death, just because that person didn't love him back.

Lucas Malfoy 'Lost in The Moment'

Why?: Lucas is just lost. That's all I can say.

Tom Malfoy 'epiphany'

WHY?: Every word of this song EXPLAINS him.

by (350k points)
Awesome! Can you list the artists so I can go listen to the songs sometime?

And whose Billy? Is that a new character, or what?
by (350k points)

And also, I'll list my OCS' theme songs... (BTW, GC doesn't really have one.) The ones with stars mean they really match the characters and those are the ones you should listen to! The ones without are good songs too but you should only listen if you want to!

Rinji: (undecided; mix between My Demons, Footsteps and Wolves)

My Demons (by Starset)*

WHY: It refers to her inner demons and how she wants to be free from them, though they don't particularly control her.

Monster (by Starset)

WHY: Same as the above, but it relates to her directly.

Help (by Papa Roach)

WHY: Just listen to the song! It pretty much describes itself.

Footsteps (by Pop Evil)*

WHY: This is a like an anthem, like her motivation.

Centuries (by Fall-Out Boy)

WHY: Same as above! They WILL remember her for centuries! 

WOLVES (by Sam Tinnesz)*

WHY: This just may describe her... but basically all of Tinnesz's songs do! 

As you can see, I'm very picky with Rinji's songs (these are basically the ones that describe her), LOL, cuz she's so complex. Listen to some of these songs sometimes, they'll help you understand her better! Some of them directly relate to Bleach, so I picked them as well.



Asia (undecided: but most likely Secrets):

Skyscraper (by Demi Lovato)

WHY: Basically in this song, she says that no matter what she'll keep on trying. This song applies more to her as she gets older than currently.

Better Together (by Fifth Harmony)

WHY: This song portrays more of Asia's fun and loving side.

Secrets (by 1 Republic)*

WHY: Basically how she feels about her friends, and how she wants to tell them everything.

Maybe you have a suggestion for Asia? I'd love to hear it!!! 


by (415k points)
Billie isn't new, had him for three years (HP fandom character)

1. Sam Smith

2. NF

3. NF

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