+13 votes
in Fanfiction by (415k points)

Silens I Chapter 20

It's so quiet alone.

I jolted up from my bed, my eyes watering and my hair all messy. I saw Lucas brushing his hair, with a T-shirt on and a pair of jeans. I was slightly confused, but my thoughts all came in the right place in a matter of time, it was the day we went to Asia's house.

From down the halls, I heard Mum yell, "Get your breakfast!" I rolled off my bed, still dressed in the clothes I slept in. I quickly took a shower, then dressed in a formal suit. I rushed down the stairs, my mom then yelling, "Don't run!" I continued to run.

I was at the table with Lucas and Mum, as she was wearing a back dress with with beads around her neck. I was happy to see Mum again, and it looked like so was Lucas, he was all around Mum these past few days.

I watched the Christmas tree; pretty little trinkets flying around the tree from a spell Mum did on them. It was a rather warm room, a feeling I never got when I was in Hogwarts.

I sat down, looking down at my breakfast. It was eggs and toast, not my favorite, but it'll do. "I recently gotten into a subject in school, care for magical creatures, you know?" I smiled a bit. "Yes, yes. Good!" she smiled back, and it seemed no body was talking much.

It came to mind that maybe Mum had gotten a letter from Draco Malfoy, my Father. She barely received any, even if we both live in Wiltshire. She looked at me a bit sad. She held breath and said, "Your Father is going to have a child named Scorpias." I laid with no breath in my body in that chair.

Lucas stopped eating, and it seemed the whole room went silent until Lucas broke it. "When will we be going to see him?" Hermione looked down and responded, "Soon." I stopped eating and left the table to go in my room. I then looked around for items I might need for when I go to Asia's house. I looked around to only find a small ring, which was a Slytherin ring. It had a curled up snake on it. There was writing on it, but I couldn't read it.

I didn't know who owned the ring, or how it got there, but I just chucked it in my pocket. My mother beckoned me to come down stairs, so I ran down the stairs. "It's time to go," she said. I headed out to the enchanted car, much like the enchanted car the Weasley's use to have. Me and Lucas chucked two small bags in the back of the car.

We drove off, and I saw the Malfoy manor pocking out from the distant. It made me eager to want to go there, it was only a few blocks away, but if I did Mum would make us move. Or at least that's what she said. I watched the trees and other things pass by. "It'd be nice to meet your friend properly," Mum looked in the back at us, smiling. "Were almost there," I couldn't wait to see Asia.

We finally arrived at her house, as I ran out the car to the front door. After we all were at the door, Mum knocked while holding Lucas's shoulder tightly. Asia opened the door, as Lucas was a bit nervous. "You look different," I said a bit rudely, looking down and up at her. Maybe it was because she wasn't in her Ravenclaw robes.

"Could say the same about you," she continued, "with the suit and everything." Mrs. Lovegood the said, "Let me show you guys to the guest bedroom." I followed her to the guest bedroom, which was a light shade of blue and dark blue sheets that matched nicely. There was nothing really in there but for little things.

Lucas left off and I was confused, but I didn't follow and paid no interest. I paced around the room just pondering on the thought of Scorpias. It hurt me a little, but I had to control it a bit.

So, this part is basically just Gem's part in chapter 19.


I hope yo enjoyed, and sorry it hadn't been some time till a chapter came out! (;

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (350k points)
Best answer
Thanks for writing it. I will follow it up tomorrow if I can! ;)


Annnnd I'll try to make Tom less rude XD JK!
by (415k points)
LOL NP! And okay! Can't wait!

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