+13 votes
in Fanfiction by (415k points)

Chapter 7

A wind devises a plan that only the thunder can make happen.

It’s all too real, it’s gotten more real and I’m unable to control how I see the world anymore.


Lucas had one last glance at Asia. His goodbye ruined his heart. Willow, Hazyl, Asia, they’re leaving. Not forever, but if they must. Lucas must feel left behind, but he knows I’ll always be right beside him. That even if I try, I’ll never leave him.

His eyes great teary as we both glared at the three, all of us uncertain of what to do next. Asia was powerful, so was I, but she was weak. We must make sacrifices, whether we like it or not. “Goodbye Asia,” Lucas cried, “I’ll be sure to see you again.” “I hope so, but I don’t know when…” she tried to shutter her relentless tears as they fell.

Willow looked down, knowing they we mustn’t grow close to each other.

“Just don’t forget our wedding…” Lucas whispered to Asia. Of course, they hadn’t arranged marriage, but it was a sign of love when he said that. “I won’t,” Asia responded as she looked at Willow and Hazyl. “And I can’t forget you.” I coldly said to Willow. She held her wand firmly in her hand. “I won’t either,” she took a deep breath.

Lucas held Asia’s hand tightly, as he was unsure if he should let go even a little.




They walked out with their bags into the carriage as the rain poured. Lucas didn’t want to let go, so as soon as he did, he sat in rain along, getting soaked. As for me, I went to my room. I saw a letter, it was a letter from Hogwarts. My heart pounded, but I knew I had to face what was in it. I skimmed through it as my stomach became heavier and heavier.

Dear Lucas and Tom Malfoy,

We would like to assure you your last year at Hogwarts. Please be sure to come by the Hogwarts train tonight, 5:00, Platform 9 3/4. If you fail to do so, you will not fully graduate Hogwarts. Please be sure to come by tonight, the time put above.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Professor McGonagall


My heart sank to the very bottom of my chest. Quickly enough, I packed all my clothes including the letter. I ran outside to find Lucas with his eyes wide open still, wetter than ever from the pouring rain. “Lucas! I have some news to tell you!” I yelled. He ran back inside with me as it thundered outside.

“I have some…news.” I hesitated.

“What is it?” he asked. I chocked on my words.

“We…have to go back to Hogwarts tonight. Get packed.” I said. Lucas' eyes bolted from his head. “Tonight? When did you get this letter?!” he yelled. “Today, just a few minutes. If it wasn’t recent, I would have told you sooner.” I made a good point. Lucas listened to me.

“Okay, I’ll get packed. We’ll leave once I’m done.” Lucas said, running to our room to get packed.


Once he did, we both had gotten a carriage to bring us to the Hogwarts train. The storm brewed more and more. As we were riding across the country, I looked out my window to see familiar things. All of it was forgotten, as I thought, but not anymore.

Once we arrived, Luas hopped out with his suitcase. We had taken down the tent to the smallest size ever, thanks to handy magic. Lucas smiled for the first time today. We quickly ran through the brick wall as first years would always do. We hopped on the Hogwarts express as the conductor asked us for our tickets. Lucas handed it over to the tall man.

“So, excited?” Lucas’s eyes told a story- that he wasn’t happy not one bit.

“No,” he grunted.

“Why? We’ll see Lulumoon…” he stopped me. “And those mean people who would ALWAYS push me around! Not to mention that cruel ‘brave’ Gryffindor! Plus, if Asia’s not coming, why shall I be happy?!” he snapped.

“Look, Lucas, let’s be happy for ending the school year, okay?”

The train ride had stopped. We saw the castle at it’s finest. The walls a bit rusty from the Battle of Hogwarts, but other than that, it was huge and magnificent. “Alright! Get off!” I saw a few first years hop off as their first year at Hogwarts.

I knew that if we stayed longer. Handison would find us. That thought made me rusty.

After getting off the train ride, the first person we saw was Prof. McGonagall and her lectures about us. She seemed older looking. Afterall, she is very old. “So, you will only have to stay here for a few months, or shorter, depending. But, if you continue to get bad grades, a full year will be enough. Don’t make this hard on yourselves, I know you have places to be.” She acted like she knew, which, maybe she did.

I hope you liked it! 

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (350k points)
Best answer

Will write the next chapter today!
by (415k points)
Lol, Thanks!

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