+13 votes
in Fanfiction by (415k points)

Silens I Chapter 11 Book 3



“Lucas Malfoy, a Slytherin, who’s kind and caring. He’s blind but not blinded, his eyes are open and able to see this World as how beautiful it is. He always meant to be a Hufflepuff, he is loyal, kind, and far from perfect, but perfect. Tom Malfoy, a Half-Blood who despises the fact he is, he’s a Slytherin at heart. A mother who’s caring, but never got to hear the wedding bells of a new life, so the life that was carried hadn’t any roots, those roots were made while the plant was.”


Life is a funny thing it is, cheerful, sad. The best part about love is love, the people you find when you are weak. The people who tear you down to lift you into the air. The people who hurt you so that they won’t break their promise. ‘Love is not and emotion, it’s a promise. And you hold it tight, and never let it go.’


I looked around an empty room. The muggle world was filled with many strange things, its peculiarity shocked me. With a mother who has spent most of her life in a muggle world, she was fairly experienced with these things. Lucas, with his light blue eyes, looked at me, in my direction. It wasn’t chilling anymore when he’d do that, he is learning the senses of where I was. “Were growing older, your alone, aren’t you?” he asked, concerned about me but I shrugged.

“It’s been awhile, but I made a promise. When you break a promise you break a heart, and hearts are never fixed, they stay broken, like a promise.” I said lightly. “You should talk to mother,” Lucas looked up at the ceiling, which if I ever looked up to the ceiling, I had gotten dizzy. The daily quibbler set beside my bed wrote about my brother, Scorpius. He’s in Hogwarts, so am I. He was sorted Slytherin, but I don’t want to go see him. He’s a pureblood, a better version then me. I have a grown jealous, I admit it to myself, but to others?

As I grow older, my hate towards people grow more childish.

I don’t want to what I have, I know people have it worse then me. Like Asia, she’s getting better now, since she’s recovering. Lucas tends to think I don’t care about anything anymore, about friends, people that I’ve been with so long that they’re family. Maybe he’s right, maybe I don’t care. Maybe I try to reach my father’s standards, but they’re so high, all I could ever do was fail. I was born a disappointment to him, I feel neglected.

I got up from the edge of my light green bed, all the covers were lying on the floor. I rushed out of my dorm. I quickly took out my watch. It couldn’t tell the time, it dated back from centuries ago, who knows the original owner. It’s rusty and broken, maybe it should be in a museum, but Malfoy’s own many various ‘museum items. To everyone else, I’m not an officially Malfoy. Since I’m not pure, nor am I reach. I’m thinking of working, it’ll be harder with my schedule.

Plus, school books are not cheap. Afterwards my silly plans, I might get a Butterbeer. It might not work, but it’s worth a try. I know my mother’s trying her hardest to afford it, but she’s working her hardest and that’s all she can do. I’ll be visiting tomorrow, and Asia today.

I do miss Asia, but sometimes I do feel like a third wheel. While walking through the strangely empty halls, I saw a familiar boy looking at painting. He glared at me for a bit as I stopped to recognize his face. “Pretty painting, aren’t they?” he then grinned, breaking the silence. “Y-yes,” I stuttered.

“Now, what’s your name?” he asked, I hesitated to respond to the boy, it was his first year. “Tom, Tom Malfoy.” I responded. “Tom? Like Tom Marvolo? Sorry, it’s a common name I guess?” He chuckled. I went into space with, ‘it’s a common name.’ “Tom? Tom?” I snapped out of it to see the smiling boy.

“Yes, yes, it is.” I gulped. “Nice meeting you Tom Mallory.”

“It’s Tom Malfoy,” I said, with a moody tone. I almost slightly whispered it, he had a smug reaction on his face.

“I’m sorry, Malfoy? I’m also Malfoy.” He said confused, and shocked.

It hit me, he was my brother. I only saw him when he was little anyways, I honestly doubt he remembers. “I have to go!” I walked quicker then I ever did in my life, but the boy followed. “I noticed you seemed nervous, is something wrong? Are we related?” he asked these questions that bothered me.

“No, no we aren’t, it’s Tom Mallory. Now leave me alone. I headed to the Grand Hall. It was packed with people as I skimmed through them all. “Asia?!” I said. Her eyes met mine. “Yep! Hey Tom!” she said, turning around the face my direction.

“Um, you feeling better? Since you are recovering.” I said, stating out the obvious. “Yes! I’ve had great help, since this is my last year, I’ll be gone soon.” She said, happy that it was. It was for me too, but since she ahead with her studies, she was leaving sooner than me and Lucas. “Studies always come first!” I said happily, trying to make sure she didn’t notice my pounding heart from my recent encounter with my half-brother.

Her hair was loose, as always it was straight and her brushed, her yellow eyes glowed. “I better be getting’ to Lucas, he’s waiting.” I grinned as she nodded. But then, I heard a ringing in my ear, then a shriek.

My eyes were wide as I was paralyzed in shock. Then a slight whisper, “Tom? Tom? Are you okay?” Then, it sounded like I was in a bubble, my vision was blurry. My eyes were blurry and all I saw were colors, then it was all gone.



What felt like minutes later, I woke up in my dorm, lights off as it was midnight. I looked around my room in shock, I was in fear for no apparent reason. What got to me early is stuck in my head. I figured to turn a lamp on would make me feel better, but I was a bit paranoid that when I would put the light on, there would be a ghastly monster on my bedside.

No one was in the dorm with me, it was pure silent that I started to create my own sounds. This would happen often, but these sounds were stranger. Like whispers. I shrugged it off as I got off my bed, concerned about where Lucas was.

What time is it?

Why am I here?

Two questions that shouldn’t but fill my head with utter confusion. The halls that I was strolling down seemed so grim, creepy, eerie. So many words to describe it. Then, I heard a thud, then someone walking. I gulped, as I just stood in my spot, looking down the dark halls.

Something to my shoulder, I almost yelled, but to my relief it wasn’t a monster. It was an old lady that I had never seen before lightly touching my shoulder with a kind smile. It still startled me, since I didn’t know who she was, but she seemed welcoming.

“Hello, Tom, you lost?” she asked.

“Um, no miss.” I responded as my voice trembled.

“Well, I sure am, mind showing me the way to the Grand hall? I’m new here, you see.” She said, as I kindly nodded, showing her the way. “W-what are you doing alone in the dark halls?” I asked the lady. Her eyes were purple, that wasn’t possible. I was confused but didn’t ask her. The lady was crouched over, wavy grey hair though looked in her 50s.

“Here we are!” she avoided the question which made me wonder what she was doing in the halls but herself, alone.

“Sit,” she said, patting the bench beside her as she sat.

Then, something hit me. How did she know my name? I have never met this strange lady before. I sat there, as I was paralyzed. She started grinning. “What are you doing in the halls anyways? You’re not aloud, you should be in your dorm. She said, strangely not mad.

“I guess I fainted, when I awoke, there was nobody in my dorm so I; well, I investigated.” She chuckled at my words, “Strange! You seem paler then a white sheet of paper!” she said. “Sorry, I guess you startled me.” I apologized, which I shouldn’t have.

“What’s your name?” I asked her. She smiled and responded, “Nara Rebasliss.”

“Now, should be in bed, go on!” she said, as I left her in the Grand Hall. When I was back in my dorm, it was still empty and dark, but it didn’t matter since I fell fast asleep.

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (350k points)
Best answer
WHY DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG TO NOTICE?? Gahhh, love it, will try and write the next soon, I’m so busy!
by (415k points)
+2 votes
by (6.4k points)
Dear GEMheart, your writing is amazing!
by (415k points)
Um, I'm Knight Star... I wrote this. So do you mean this chapter or was that random.?
by (415k points)
But thanks if you liked my chapter
+1 vote
by (448k points)
I like your writing. Great job!
by (415k points)
Thanks you!

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