+9 votes
in Shout-Outs by
God is real. The reason people do not want to believe that He is real is because they do not want to feel like they will be held accountable for their actions. I don't have all the answers for all of your challenges, but God does. Read the Bible, the entirely accurate account of history!

8 Answers

0 votes
Of course god is real
+1 vote
I agree, because we were created in the image of god.
+2 votes

HERE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God is totally real.angel_smile

by (957k points)
Possibly Jane’s first answer?
+2 votes
by (350k points)
+2 votes

Sooooooooo true!!

+2 votes
by (75.6k points)
Ok, first of all, don't EVER bring up stuff like this. I kinda believe in god. And i'm ready for the hate comments. And I 100% believe in evolution. I don't believe that god just creates out of the air a person. Anyway, that's my opinion. But you should NEVER bring up this kinda stuff unless your just trying to get attention.
by (75.6k points)
It's not that accurate. The Bible doesn't say anything about dinosaurs, which we HAVE proof of.
Ok so, my dad is the most religeous person I know, and he is also a scientist.

First of all, the bible doesnt explain everything.

Second of all, to god, millions of years is just a day. Everything evolved and changed with nature, people are like  "the bible is a lie because evolution" but its just that to god, his creation process of our earth it only 3 days. But thats just "god days" each "god day" is like millions of years.

If you don't fully beleive in god, thats ok. and NOBODY should send you hate.
by (350k points)
It does mention dinosaurs, just by different names. Behemoth? That's a dino
Actually, just because the bible doesn't talk a lot about something, doesn't mean it never happened. And gemheart is right.

Hey--a few things you should know. 

First of all, the way Genesis 1 was written in the original Hebrew made it very clear that each day was a twenty-four hour day. Whenever the words "evening and morning" or "first, second, third. . ." are used with the word day, it was a clear indicator to the Jewish readers that the word "day" meant one twenty-four hour day.

Second, evolution requires death. If you believe that man evolved, then you believe that death came before Adam and therefore before the Fall. If you believe this, then death is not a result of the Fall, because it was around before. That means that there is really no consequence for sin, so what is the need for Jesus?

I probably don't explain very well, so check out this link: https://answersingenesis.org/days-of-creation/could-god-really-have-created-everything-in-six-days/

Also, there are actually lots of problems with evolution. Radioactive dating that says the world is millions of years old is done with an initial assumption of how much of certain materials there were before. If that assumption is wrong, then any dating done is wrong. They have no way of knowing if it is right, because it all happened in the past and we cannot go back to observe the past. (If you understand enough chemistry, check out this link: https://www.cs.unc.edu/~plaisted/ce/dating2.html)

And you know the Grand Canyon and how it supposedly formed from water erosion over millions of years? Take a look at the Mount Saint Helens canyons: https://answersingenesis.org/geology/four-lessons-mount-st-helens-eruption/

Another fact: Evolution cannot even have the credibility of a scientific theory, much less a law, because it cannot be repeated and observed. Look at this article: https://answersingenesis.org/theory-of-evolution/evolution-theory-fact-or-law/

Also, scientists have yet to explain exactly how evolution could have happened. They say mutations, but most (like 99.9%) of mutations are either harmful or neutral.

Anyways, I understand if this doesn't change your mind. Thank you if you read this far!

How did you come out of nothing? If we where related to apes than how do you explain mans knowing from right or wrong? how did feeling involve out of nothing?
Than how do you explain how we where made? Out of nothing?
+3 votes
I don't believe in any god, and it isn't for that reason. The reason I don't believe in anyone watching over me is because i think they would try to help, or show me some sort of sign.
by (350k points)
You don't see the signs because you don't look. God wants you to know Him, but if you don't make any effort on your part, He will take that as you rejecting Him.
He has given you signs, just not necessarily miraculous ones. When Jesus died, and then rose from the dead, he appeared, alive, in front of more than five hundred people at once. It's in I Corinthians. And if you don't believe the Bible, please understand that the events in the Bible line up with scientific evidence and archealogical finds. If it is accurate in it's history accounts, like the stories about the kings of Babylon, then who's to say that it isn't accurate in its account of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God?
Its ok if you don't beleive in god.

He is looking over you and loves you no matter what. He might not have "spoken to you" yet (he hasnt to me) but you will have a time in your life if you continue to beleive in him. And he himself might not speak to you. But maybe a saint on an angel.
If you tern your back on God than he will tern his back on you. True life is hard but the way life is, is the way you make it.
God speak to you through the sunset and sunrise you just have to listen and see.
+3 votes
you are sooooooooooooooooo right.

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