+8 votes
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I've had this friend since kindergarden,and she was like one of my best friend,until third grade we got separated (we were in the same class for 3 years in a row),we sorta grew apart but then grew back together in 4th grade,we're both going into 5th now and we're both 10,but the only problem is sometimes,she gets mad at me for the littlest things,holds a grudge for the rest of the day,the next day,though, she acts like nothing happened the day before,and I try to as well,but it's really getting to me.pls help.whatchutalkingabout_smile

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (4.8k points)
Best answer
Ok, the moment I saw the name of this question, I had a feeling it would be close to my situation. I too have a friend like that, and I’ve sorta just learned to live with it. It’s the kind of person she is, and I needed to accept that. She also needed to accept the fact that I wouldn’t simply lay down and let her walk all over me. Stand up for yourself. Let her know that she’s really hurting your feelings and making you feel used. Your not alone. Let me know if you want to talk again, I’ve had many other problems with the friend, and, other than a break we once had, we’ve still stayed friends. There have been other friendships that I’ve simply had to end for multiple reasons. If this is one, you need to realise that and move on. Please let me know if you want to talk again, I’ll get an alert if you comment on this answer and be here to reply.
thank you! I don't usually get answers to my questions so fast.And,yes it would be nice to have someone to talk to and be friends with on kidstalk.Maybe we can talk sometime?
by (4.8k points)
Ok! Cool!  Are you on Kidznet?
no,it requires an account and I'm to lazy to do that,since I recently created my gmail account and that took like 20 mins.
by (4.8k points)
It honestly takes like, no time at all. :)

I don't think my mom will allow me.T_T

by (4.8k points)
Oh. That’s ok! ❤️
maybe we can just talk on kidztalk?
by (4.8k points)
That is completely fine!  I would love that!
whats your fav color, do you like to draw?
by (4.8k points)
My favourite colours are blue and yellow, but I also like purple, green, and silver. I enjoy drawing, but like writing even better. I write stories and poems mainly. I post my stories on a public blog and some (one) of my poems on it too.

I like to knit as well. I am currently making a blanket.

What do you like doing?
cooking/baking, drawing, reading,.Whats your blog called?
by (4.8k points)

ogkay.cool,btw i just posted art i drew just have to wait for it to be approved!angry_smile

by (4.8k points)
Great!  So sorry it took so long to reply. I’m super busy preparing for my SATs.
by (82.8k points)

It's alright! Plus, I just saw this so.....don't tell anyone!! Yea, anyway how did your SATs go?? Hope they went well, I understand how stressful that must've been! Btw, Late Merry Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Can't believe tomorrow's gonna be 2020!!! I messed up with the text size and made the text bigger than usual sooo....yea. Sorry  'bout that!

by (4.8k points)
They went well, actually, but I’m still choosing to retake them again next year. I could only do better, so why not?  
by (82.8k points)
Yeah, why not? Great positive attitude!
by (4.8k points)


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