+7 votes
in Personal by (415k points)
I'mma make this short as I can. My mom wants to move back to Panama because she feels unwelcomed in the states and she misses her home, and my dad forced her to move to the states. She wants me to come with her, but Panama ain't my home. Sure, I was born there, but I can't handle nothing as hot as Panama. I mean, last time I was there I was DYING from the heat. Last thing, SPANISH?? HOLA??? Idk how I would adapt, being American is my thing. I am American and Americans have a tendency to not adapt very well. JK. Anyways, I would feel out of place too, not know Spanish, etc.


How do I talk her out of her CRAZY idea? She says she would move away from me if I choose otherwise. But it doesn't seem like a one time thing, she just snapped. She's been telling me this isn't her home for a long time, but I never thought she would find a way out of her American misery.


What do I do?

2 Answers

0 votes
by (415k points)
update: my dad says her idea is breaking laws to take with without my consent but if I want to go, then I can go to court. my mom says mothers and daughters must stick together so I have to go with her, and my dad said that;s the opposite of the law. anyways idk i dont want my mom to feel more miserable in her situation now, and i dont want my dad to get hurt in the process. idk what to do.
+2 votes
by (165k points)
First off, what do YOU want? To me, it sounds like you would prefer to stay in the US and tell her that. That you want to stay here and don't want to go. Try to give reasons like the heat, having to learn another language, and how hard it would be to adapt. Tell her this is where you want to be.
by (415k points)
Thanks for your advice. She's been really sad about for a while now, like it's something she really finally wants. she says if I dont want to go, then she can go on her own and it's kind of making me think what's going on in her head. Plus, Panama is not something I can adapt to. When I was doing school there for a few months I was like.... missing my home a lot. but idk, she's been telling me for years that this isn't her home and she seems depressed about it, but Panama isn't my home either.

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