+4 votes
in Other by (31.8k points)

Hey guys, so on Monday...the dentist took out 4 of my teeth and it really, really, really hurts still. One thing that got me mad is when they had this little bag with them and they called me like-"here, take this, it's a present" do u know what it was??? It was my tooth they took out-with blood on it. Gross. That for a present!!!! Seriously!!!!!! Rude!!!

So, now my lip is swollen for a while, since that extraction was very extreme, and my teeth are still in pain, and and since my lip is numb and swollen, I (without noticing) bite on it a lot, and it starts bleeding, and now I have to put in a lot of gaws in my mouth and ice packs on my lip, etc. But..school!!!! The thing is, this was not the right time to do a dental extraction. So, I am still in distance learning though but the thing is, we have an exam next month and not only that, how am I supposed to focus in class and how am I supposed to study and do assignments with this pain!!! My lip and teeth hurt, and I'm putting on lots of gaws, ice packs, taking pills, and more. It's getting better, but I'm still in pain-now I'm not asking you to like help me stop the pain, just tell me..HOW CAN I STUDY WITH THIS PAIN!!

Another thing is it seems like, my best friends don't care about me anymore, when I told them about my dental surgery do you know what they said?, "Oh, ok, bye" later I was like "Guys, it's so hard to study, I'm bleeding" they were like "K, can't talk, bye" They are NEVER busy, and i have known them for like what-5 years??? And they don't even care about my pain, when I tell them "NO!!! MY CRUSH IS MAKING FACES AT ME"!!!! And i ask for advice, they give a whole lotta advice, but with this surgery thing their just like "K, bye". They are never busy. But they are always yawning when I'm like-"Guys, I HAD A SURGERY YESTERDAY"!!!!! Their response: K, cool. 

So, I can't study, my friends don't care, this hurts a lot but like what should I do with my friends, and my PAIN!!! We had a practice test for the exam yesterday, and I couldn't concentrate, cuz my mouth was bleeding. I ask my parents, "Can I skip school today" or "Can I do this assignment tomorrow" Nope. they say I have to do it. So, could you guys help me plz.

You get a free KN shoutout for answering. 

by (40.2k points)

:( I hope you get well soon

by (31.8k points)


5 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
OMG... That sounds like it's really painful. Oof. I feel really sorry for you. Hope it gets better soon!

It seems like they're fake friends. I think you should move on and find new (true) friends who'll stand by you when you're in need.

And your parents... They're really harsh I must say. They shouldn't do this to you, it isn't fair. :(
by (31.8k points)

Thanks, yeah, it seems like I need to find new friends. I'll try to convince my parents, but tbh, it'll be really hard-since I have an upcoming exam.

You're welcome. I wish you the best.
by (155k points)
How are her parents harsh she needed to get teeth pulled out my mom.had to get 6 teeth pulled out at 15/16.
by (31.8k points)

I'm ok now. Hope your mom is too. I hear your mom also had some pain, and I'm sorry. But what you said was the most disrespectful thing I heard today! Think before you speak! I am 10 and your mom is not. I am now unfollowing you on PopJam. You are not a unicorn "friend" you're a unicorn bully. It was not just dental pain, it was more than that. The doctors put on some medicine for me, the day they took my teeth out and I didn't know but I was allergic to it. My lip got SWOLLEN, I went to the doctor's every day. It was bleeding. My friends didn't care that I had to do this ****. They were so busy with schoolwork they just didn't. And because my lip was swollen I had to go everywhere and go to class with this huge lip, you didn't even see how it looked like! It looked ugly and huge, there was blood on it. My classmates looked at me like this. Luckily, because of this whole COVID thing, I wore a mask outside, but at home, I had to keep my video on for online schooling. Ik, I should've worn a mask at home too, but I tried that, and guess what. I almost started choking and my mask had blood on it. My parents MADE ME DO ONLINE SCHOOLING, they made me do what I normally do. Luckily, later they stopped that. But this is probably the meanest thing someone has ever said to me online. God, why do you have to be so rude? I just wanna cry rn.

I,m sure she wasn't trying to be rude
0 votes
by (155k points)
Hey I would be glad if the gave me the teeth cuz the tooth fairy would give me 4x as much money!!!!!
by (31.8k points)

First you compare me to your mom and then this?! God. Honey, the tooth fairy doesn’t give u the money if some doctor took out your teeth, she does it if your milk teeth fall out. Also, plz plz think before u speak. It’s 10:46 PM and I’m trying to sleep. This morning I looked at your complaint and now I’m checking if u replied, but you just said something mean again. Also, my lip was BLEEDING. They put a NEEDLE inside my mouth, my friends didn’t care and imagine if u had to do that. 24/7 blood. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat. Ppl made weird faces at me. My friends treated me unfairly and u think I would care for some cash?!

If u had to do all that, u would be fine if some fairy gave u cash?! 

Ummm unicorn friend from the post it seems like it really hurt. I don't think you,d would be glad about that .

Crystal arionator I,m glad your feeling better
by (31.8k points)


+1 vote
by (350k points)
Talk to them, tell them what you feel. If they don’t understand then, then you should move on.
+1 vote
by (14.5k points)
Well, your friends may think you're trying to gain their attention, so they're playing it "cool"?
+2 votes
by (947k points)
Maybe find some new friends.

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