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in Fiction by

I'm writing this chapter. The things that happen are written and imagined by me. However, the story idea was my sisters .

"Hehe, thanks." I said, my face red with embarrassment. That girl defended me and I was grateful. While letting my thick hair down, I continued, " So, um, what's your name ?" 

The girl who saved me nodded, "Kylie." She picked up my books, which had fallen on the floor, and handed them to me. Kylie hardly said anything more. She shoved me to my class, waving with a cat-like grin on her face. I sighed. Time to learn about quadratic what-not.

I wanted to look for Kylie when the bell rang, but, unfortunately, I had quite a few classes before I could get a break. I dashed up the stairs where a class I've never heard of before (Kotronics) was being held.  Hopefully, I don't run into the mean girl. My hopes didn't disappoint. I turned a corner, saw the door, turned the knob, and my mouth dropped, seeing the room.

The Kotronics class was the weirdest and most unusual classroom I have ever seen. Granted, I haven't see many classrooms. Still. The classroom walls were a bold shade of green. Pictures of odd objects, magical landscapes, and monsterous creatures covered the walls, and weapons lined the floor. The floor looked clear, but I knew it wasn't because the bottom looked like the Grand Canyon. No kidding ! Student desks, that was silver and hexagon shaped, surrounded the teacher's desk.

Interrupting my train of thought, the teacher, who was just as odd as the classroom, held a black suit to my face (That was annoying.) and said, " Here here, Dyanne, put this on."

"My name's not Dyanne." I smile, noticing my teacher's lack of pupils. Weird. 

"Well, " He starts, " just put this on, class is already late. " I raised my eyebrows at the last part. Class is late ? Of course, I knew what he meant. I took the suit from his large hands and I tried to put it on. With the suit being three sizes too big, I struggled to keep it on my body. It kept slipping ! After trying to keep it on by a hairclip, I looked at all the students. They seemed to have their suits fit perfectly.

"Dude, we've been waiting forever. Put the darn suit on." A boy with a slightly southern accent said firmly. The teacher glared at him.  "Here, let me help." He muttered as he shuffled around the desks. "What you gotta do is-------. " He zipped up the back, my suit tightening to my skin. I took my seat which was between the boy and a red haired girl.

Well watchya think ? Not really a cliff-hanger, but I wonder how the lesson will go . XD any of you KSearchers have any ideas for the class ? Or the plot ? Who is your favorite character so far ? Am I asking too many questions ? Do you like southern boi. ? What do you think will happen next ? You want to add a character to the series ?

Also, constructive criticism would be nice lollllll.





1 Answer

0 votes
by (26.9k points)
Best answer
AHH I’m so excited for chapter 6! This is intriguing. Maybe develop a bond between any of your characters. They could like, idk become close friends with different perspectives? I’m not good at constructive criticism when something like this masterpiece is so good lol :’)

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