+4 votes
in Other by (24.0k points)
One day, my grandmother was charging my dads's flycam battery, then it suddenly burnt, I was scared to death! Now it is broken

4 Answers

0 votes
by (541k points)
0 votes
by (949k points)
0 votes
by (165k points)
That sucks!
0 votes
by (262k points)
Oh!! That's scary!! :/
by (24.0k points)
But luckily, I was having some water, when I saw it burnt, I put out the fire with the water in my mouth XD
by (262k points)
Wasn't it an electrical fire, though...??
by (24.0k points)
Yup... but I stood far from it and make a huge split with my mouth
by (262k points)

I though you weren't supposed to use water on an electrical fire?? O_o

by (10.8k points)

I thought so too shrug let me look it up lol gimme a sec.....

by (10.8k points)
ur not supposed to because it will electrocute you my friend Google says if you don't have a fire extinguisher then throw some baking soda on it. I'm glad thanhdt3001 didn't get electrocuted XD
by (262k points)
by (24.0k points)
Actually... I was holding a cup of water, I just sip the water a little bit then I saw the fire burning, I splashed the water and put out the fire
by (262k points)
Ik, point still stands, though.

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