+10 votes
in Other by (214k points)
This is so random but I'm just wondering!
by (720 points)
by (15.6k points)
anxiety, and possibly ADHD???

16 Answers

+2 votes
by (159k points)
Most likely adhd

Also, this isn’t really a mental disorder, but I find it extremely hard to breathe in closed spaces, which indicates I may have claustrophobia (a form of anxiety disorder i believe).
by (541k points)
I kinda have claustrophobia (I mean I'm ok in real life in closed spaces(kinda) but in MC...it is different)

I have minoclostrphobia
+1 vote
by (774k points)
Autisim and Social Anxiety
by (130k points)
My brother was diagnosed with autism when he was born.
+2 votes
by (720 points)
mild-moderate anxiety
+2 votes
by (98.3k points)
I have to take a little blue pill to help me with anxiety .

Haha- I hear random noises at like 3 am and feel like there is a burglar or kidnapper in our house....that's why I take the pill...hehe....
by (165k points)
Dang! I do the same thing gurl!
+2 votes
by (541k points)
yes. I have OCD, ADHD (possibly) and autism.
by (950k points)
Autism is a spectrum, not a disorder.
by (541k points)
I know but it's a spectrum disorder
by (950k points)
+2 votes
I don't know. I think I used to have Anxiety ( maybe I still dooo.) Do you have any mental illnessess ?
by (214k points)
I was diagnosed with dmdd, bipolar, mdd, anxiety, and autism. I was diagnosed with autism last so idk if I still have the other ones! Idk if I can be "undiagnosed" with those but hopefully!

I hope your anxiety gets better soon!!!! Everything will get better someday!
:) I'm sorry to ask, but I'm genuinely curious. What is dmdd, and mdd. And what exactly is autism ? I don't want to be fool hahaha ?

Thank you !
by (214k points)
Dmdd is disruptive mood dystimulation disorder and mdd is major depressive disorder.

Autism is like when you're extremely sensitive to stuff like lights, food texture,  or loud noises. People with autism can also have a really hard time socializing with others and sometimes do not like being touched. Sometimes people with autism stim (do repetitive behaviors) to help when something is too overwhelming. They can also have a hard time making eye contact and usually hate change. They can also have a really hard time dealing with emotions and may not understand other people's emotions either. They can also have a special interest such as albums or a certain animal. Autism is a spectrum so it's different for every person. There are 3 levels of autism, and I'm on the 2nd one. Every person with autism is different and special!

Sorry that was a long paragraph. I honestly had to do some research myself because tbh I didn't know really what autism was either! But I guess we know now!
by (541k points)
I have autism. My special interest is MC. Also what exactly is bipolar?
by (214k points)
Bipolar disorder is like when you have months of feeling super happy and an elevated mood, and then months of being depressed!

My special interest is music! "specifically collecting albums"
by (541k points)
Oh sorry. I may have that. Sometimes I am really happy and then I get really angry/sad over a tiny thing (like the skin change)
by (950k points)
I don’t think anybody liked the default skins changing. I don’t like the new ones, either.
by (541k points)
I was looking at old posts and I still hate the skin change
by (774k points)
Late, but I am level 1 Autisim and my special interests are Nordic and Scandinvian countries (everything, the culture, history everything) and Genealogy, also art and pokemon :)
by (950k points)
I don’t know what level I have, but I’m pretty sure it’s also a level 1.
by (214k points)

I'm level 2, but as you can tell I don't really have a problem talking online. In real life I have a pretty hard time communicating sometimes and doing things T_T

Sometimes I'm able to kinda hide it yk? Cause I haven't told anyone at school and I don't want to, but eventually they'll probably find out. Someone asked me if I had adhd or smth the other day, and I just said yes because I didn't feel like telling them. And I mean I wasn't lying cause my mom and doctor had talked about me having adhd AND autism before, but I don't know if I ever got officially diagnosed with adhd!

by (774k points)
I feel you

IDK how to talk to kids my age about normal things
by (950k points)
Y’all are lucky, I had to find out that I have autism myself… (my parents never told me as far as I know)
by (774k points)
I told my mom it was autisimn month in 2021, and she out of the blue said

by (137k points)
Welp, I feel like I don't really belong or something. I haven't been officially diagnosed with anything like that.

But somehow I always have only 2 moods; extremely happy/exited or depressed. I am also horrible with communication, and can't start or sustain an IRL conversation with effectiveness (and apparently I'm not the best with pronouncing my "r"s but that has been mostly fixed but may come out a little when I try to speak up). That's why I took theatre, because I hoped it would help my communication skills (and projection because I'm told I have a really soft voice) but I just opted for the tech team and never did anything...

Sry for the rant.

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