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in LGBTQIA Club by

Okay, so today I told a few kids that I trust who I like, but then, people started overhearing, so now about nine kids know.

That means nine kids who know I'm not straight.

Excuse me a moment.

*screams in pillow*

The two I trust (four kids already knew, all of them being some of my best, closest friends.)

Then a bunch of people overheard me mention I like someone and forced it out of me, and someone I KNOW IS HOMOPHOBIC found out. She said something like 'that's what's wrong with these gays', which probably involved something very mean, and then later on she also said, 'you know, I can kind of see someone like you liking someone like her' (of course, she said the person's name, but I'm not going to put it on here.)

Later on, about one hour, maybe an hour an a half (definitely only two at most), it came up in conversation AGAIN. Someone said, 'bro, you know [my name] likes someone?'

Somebody knew I did but forgot, and the other two knew, and then they tried to get me to tell them.

But see, here's the thing. The person who had brought it up is homophobic. I already kind of knew that, but one time, (by that I mean a few days ago), someone (she's one of the people I do trust) said, 'well you do know I like girls' and she just goes 'bro, what? You can't.' I'm sure she had a religious reason, (religion is not an excuse) that I just didn't hear. So I'm just like, 'well, there's nothing wrong with it'. 

And she says, 'you know we're not talking about friends?'

I say yes, but then thirty seconds-a few minutes later, I forget, she points at the person and does a face at me that's really rude. 

She keeps referring to my crush as a 'he'. I'm omnisexual and panromantic (she doesn't know), but it still makes me frustrated. Obviously it's not going to be a person with 'he' pronouns all the time.

Anyway, what do I do?

(Also, somebody can do my pride month post, I had a few suggestions that I might have done in this the post the day before yesterday, I'm too tired to do a full post.)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (910k points)
Best answer
I’ll do your Pride post, what’s gonna be the topic?
(Sorry this was late!) I was going to do lesbian! You can still do it if you want! (Or maybe you have, I haven't read all of the new posts yet).
by (910k points)
by (910k points)
Writingnerd, I actually don’t have time. I have to practice giving a speech because I’m going to a school event (it’s required) and I’m giving a speech.

It's all good!!!!
0 votes
by (496k points)
I really wish I could help, but I don't know how to!

I mean, if you've got anything to say about these Homophobic bullies, use it against them.

And then talk about "that's what's wrong with these straights, they're never happy because the only gender that they like doesn't like them" or something (that's my best diss XD)

Anyways, just know that KT and KN has your back no matter what!

Best luck!

Thank you, this is really nice of you. Also, that's absolutely genius.
by (496k points)
Aww thanks, I thought if one just off the bat XD

And you're absolutely welcome, my fren!
I didn't see this comment, but yes, it's genius! Thanks!


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