+10 votes
in Important Studios by (523k points)

I don't plan what I'm going to do every chapter. That's why it always seems like my scenes are stuck in one place.

I always just go with it as I'm typing because I'm just as much of a viewer on my stories as you guys are!

I do plan what I'm going to do on chapters in the future, like, books ahead. But I don't know how to set things up in a way where that would make sense, though that doesn't mean I'm giving up on that idea. It just means I'll have to figure it out wink_smile

I just wanted to thank you all for reading almost 20 chapters!

I mainly wanted to let you guys know that all of these chapters are spontaneous as they are written and not plan really at all.

So I don't know if that gets me more respect or what, but I can say that these are not easy because of how I'm doing them. I just can't plan them.


Yeah! That was today's important message!

See you in the next one!

Love ya'll

nobodyimportant out—

1 Answer

0 votes
I never plan my chapters. I write them on paper, but I do the same as you except I'm doing it on paper. And then I just type it.

My chapter will be delayed because I did not write it on paper yet lol but it'll be here tomorrow.
by (523k points)
Oh wow I didn't know that!


I can't wait for the next chapter!


Found any more ships for my story, by any chance?


Okay, so I think Shera likes Adonis but I want Adonis to like Wayne and Evan-It's fine if he likes Shera just still-

But maybe Shera and Preston end up together-

by (523k points)
I mean...

I'm kinda thinking there's something between Sage and Preston but like..

And also maybe Shera and Adonis but ya never know—


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