+5 votes
in All Advisors by (102k points)
so my mom is rly strict. Here are my reasons:

1) I cant wear crop tops or 2 piece bathing suits.

2) No movies or tv series rated higher than PG

3) I cant have friends ovr if my mom doesnt know their mom.

4) no snap, youtube, or tik tok

Whenever I bring this up, she says, 'U dnt have any chores!' like, NO ONE HAS CHORES ANYMORE

6 Answers

0 votes
by (734k points)
crop tops dont even look good (coming from somebody allowed to wear them)

you can still look cool without looking that your shirt is broken

oh and your mom dosent allow tiktok because tiktok is brain damage
by (901k points)
What about YouTube Shorts? That’s basically TikTok but American.
by (491k points)


TikTok wasn't already American?

I mean, I can agree that YT Shorts are just an easier way of getting to TikTok if you don't want to go ALL the way to that side, but I thought they were both American... O_o

by (734k points)
Youtube shorts is way better. I also post Youtube shorts and its more convinient as well
by (901k points)
TikTok is Chinese, Nobi.

Also, I like YouTube Shorts a bit better, but I like longer videos the best.
by (900 points)
Actually, a lot of people have chores. Believe me, I would know
+1 vote
by (122k points)
1. Your mom may just think that stuff is too revealing. Learn to deal with it. I know it sucks, but there are worse things in life.

2. Just convince your mom you can handle higher rated movies and say, "I am mature enough, mom!"

 3. Plan a day where your friends come over and bring their moms. (I have the same problem)

4. Well, I understand why your mom doesn't want you to have Snap and Tiktok. Tiktok is just bad and believe me, you don't want it. Also on Snap there are creepy people and they can track your address and kidnap you.
+1 vote
by (126k points)
Well I can't have any social interaction whatsoever (online or in real life) and I can't do anything besides school on the Internet. Saying that, I also have to serve my dad like royalty and put up with all his (and the dog's) nonsense alongside plenty of daily work. Yeah I think most people probably have chores to be honest.

Sooo....Sorry mate I really got nothing to say on this one. (Just on here now since pizza brought it back to light)
+2 votes
by (110k points)
1. That’s is kinda extreme like elo said I believe in near anarchist fashion( besides naked in public)

2,  that makes sense. I’m 11 and my mom only lets me watch PG-13 things if she has watched it before or we are watching it together.

3.That actually makes a lot of sense I have the same rule.

4. TikTok I understand because you can find some REALLY inappropriate stuff on there. Snap also kinda makes sense. But YouTube is fine as along as you know the bad parts of it.

5. Chores are good. You are a part of the household too

Yes I know I’m very late

Bottom line besides the first one and YouTube your mom is not strict

Your mom is not strict
+1 vote
by (901k points)
1. That’s just extreme. I believe in near-anarchist fashion, which means people can dress up as whatever they want to be (except naked in public).

2. Well, first of all, how old are you? And do you think you’re mature enough?

3. That rather sucks. I know my mom knows about… 1 other mom with a kid my age. Luckily, that kid is my best friend.

4. If you’re under 13, then there’s a reason you’re not allowed those apps!
by (102k points)
im ten
by (901k points)
You’re 10…

Well, if you’re mature enough, prove it to your mom. But if your mom says, “no”, then you’re gonna have to wait.

Also, Snapchat, YouTube, and TikTok all require you to be 13+.
+1 vote
Most people have chores. And there are age restrictions for the last few things. Maybe she thinks you're not ready for shows with higher ratings. My mom needs to know the adult that takes care of my friends, too. That, I agree with you, because my mom thinks my 'friend' is so awesome but she bullies people, and she doesn't believe me on that because she likes her mom, who listened to the many lies she has about me and my best friend. And for the first one, she could have reasons, but I really don't see anything wrong with those.


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