+9 votes
in Viking Diaries by (740k points)

So yesterday I was watching a Scandinavian docu (about Denmark) as always, when the worst thing happened. Something worse than that time Norway had a political union with Sweden in the 1800s, Something worse than Ragnarök (if you know you know) 

I got an ad. For fingerlings.

If you don’t know what in the 9 worlds is a fingerling, it is basically a robotic toy monkey you put on your finger. I got a Fingerling for my 8th birthday that was a Unicorn Monkey, and I still have it, except it is broken.

Now, at first glance that seems OK. But the worst part is the people who appeared in the ad… IT HAD NAILISH 


I seriously felt like throwing up. Why would Youtube recommended me Nailish if I always report their videos? Why Youtube Why. What happened to you giving me ads for things I care about. What happened to Youtube flooding my recommended page with Scandinavian, Art/DIY and Genealogy things (which is the only things I watch) WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUTUBE RECOMMENDING ME THE EMIGRANTS STUFF (which Im not mad of, The Emigrants is my favorite book series) EVERY 5 SECONDS? 

Yes Youtube, I am indeed a 13-year old girl. But not each and every singlel 13 year old girls shop at lulumelon, listen to Taylor Swift and wear crop tops. I think the reason they gave me this disgusting ad is because I deleted my YouTube Channel and had to make a new account.

Also, another thing. I keep spam-playing random Nordic folk songs on my new account and now my “Pop Music Mix” is literally Finnish War Songs like wut. 

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (153k points)
Best answer
Finlandia, Finlandia Sinne taas matkalla oli Iivana Kun Molotoffi lupas' juu kaikki harosii Huomenna jo Helsingissä syödään marosii Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff Valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff (Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff) (Valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff)
Finlandia, Finlandia Mannerheimin linja oli vastus ankara Kun Karjalasta alkoi hirmu tulitus Loppui monen Iivanan puhepulistus Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff Valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff (Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff) (Valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff)
Finlandia, Finlandia Sitä pelkää voittamaton Puna-Armeija Ja Molotoffi sanoi että katsos torppas niin Tsuhna aikoo käydä meitä kraivelista kii Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff Valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff (Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff) (Valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff)
Siellä onpi Molotoffin torpan maa Sinne pääsee Stalinit ja muutkin huijarit Politrukit, komissaarit ja petroskoijarit Njet Molotoff, njet Molotoff Valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Bobrikoff

by (740k points)

(it is unblocked lol)
by (740k points)


by (130k points)
Wait, wasn't finlandia composed by Sibelius? Is this a rendition or a folk song? (Cause Sibelius may have gotten the title (or idea) from a folk song)
+1 vote
by (915k points)
Use Invidious if you don’t want ads. Also, the videos on the home page aren’t customized for each person and they’re all the same. It’s technology videos.

I used to have a Fingerling that wasn’t robotic. I didn’t really like it though.
+1 vote
Save Youtube
+2 votes
by (130k points)
I just turn off customized ads becuase I don't like It knowing me. That works if you don't want anything like that.
by (740k points)
I did
by (130k points)
That's quite odd then.
+2 votes
by (111k points)

by (740k points)
by (915k points)
alright no more music for me



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