+7 votes
in All Advisors by (773k points)

how do I convince my dad to buy me The Emigrants novels (I dont own them)

My dad dosent want to get me Nordic books. He only wants me to get Middle grade/YA

My dad is also pushing me to read more and I technically need hjelp. My mom and I were looking for Nordic books for me to buy

Everytime I look up "Nordic books" I keep getting Norse Mythology. I want to read about Nordic history AFTER the Viking age. 

Guys I ned hjelp I dont wsnt to read cringy romamce T_T

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (541k points)
Best answer
Just look up Nordic HISTORY books
by (773k points)
thats what I did
+1 vote
by (296k points)


i had never ending troubles when i wanted Heartstopper and MHA.

the thing is, you just have to say "i want (this, or that)." and your parents, or in your case your dad will ask you why, and just say, "cuz. its want i want."

and, look up more specifically, "Nordic History Books After the Viking age." skull

hope that helps :3 

+1 vote
by (523k points)
Then don't ask your dad.
by (949k points)
*mind explodes*
by (523k points)

Like that meme where the guy's mind turns into a galaxy—

by (773k points)
Why would my dad reject the Emigrants.

I'm confused
by (154k points)

@Nobi that you mean meme 

rainbow but you didnt have to cut me off sparkles

by (523k points)

No, I was actually talking about that meme where the guy in the turtle neck sweater does that mind blowing motion with his hands and edits a galaxy overlapping the screen—

I'm going to sound very silly if you don't know the meme I'm talking about x3


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