+5 votes
in Health & Fitness by (782k points)
I almost broke my leg trying to do a Norwegian folk dance

Uff Da

If youre gonna share, plz dont be graphic.

14 Answers

0 votes
by (957k points)
Best answer
Aw man, I can’t share an injury without being graphic…

Anyways, one time, I got an injury. The end.
0 votes
by (527k points)
I know I'm late, but one time, I scraped my knew pretty badly.
It hurt for awhile x3
0 votes
by (217k points)
I put my earring backing on waaaay too hard and it… wouldn’t come off and when it did it bled a lot
+1 vote
by (70.2k points)
First it was sprained but broke when I stood. I got a sprained ankle which turned to a broken one in seconds last year. I had twisted my foot and fell. I tried to stand up and fell again on my ankle and it cracked.
+1 vote
by (1.6k points)
I broke my left leg once. The good thing about that is that I got to ride in a wheelchair.
+2 votes
by (264k points)
I had dental surgery about 9 months ago, but the place I was at was kinda janky. Anyways, they had a dirty tool and nicked the roof of my mouth, and I ended up with a GIANT SORE on the roof of my mouth. It was about an inch all the way across, and caused a lot of other problems as well, such as massive swelling/ swollen lymph nodes, which made it difficult to swallow.

Another time I got something nasty is swimmer's ear/ a busted ear drum. I was swimming in 3 different lakes that weekend and I got to a pretty deep depth (about 29 feet), and I think my ear closed up and trapped water inside. The pressure may have even cause my ear drum to split. My ear was super achy for days and it was very difficult to hear. There was also a lot of pressure in there, and it hurt! Eventually when I came home and woke up the next day, the pressure was gone, but my pillow had lots of blood on it from my ear. I went to the doctors, and they couldn't explain all the blood because my ear was to swollen to see my eardrum. They said it possibly could have burst, but because they couldn't see it, they were just going to give me typical swimmer's ear medication.
by (782k points)
+2 votes
by (114k points)

Ya know about how in movies the dad will swing around the 2 year old baby around by his arms in the middle of a field? 

Well.... Someone did that with me (they were doing it in love and I enjoyed it). *Intense break in speech before next sentence begins* My arm popped out.. hehe ya. It just popped out and I had to go to the hospital. The end.

PS. I've never gotten any real injuries cuz my fam has taken a ton of care to protect me so that is probably the worst injury I have gotten. (But then again I did spill a mug of boiling water on my hand which felt like fire)

Peace! rock

by (527k points)



Person: Have you ever had any serious injuries?

Reuel: Nah.

Person: Oh cool, so—

Reuel: This one time, my arm popped out.

Person: ...

Reuel: I haven't had any serious injuries, though—
by (154k points)
I think that means they like dislocated their shoulder

Thats crazy though
by (527k points)

I would think a dislocated shoulder is still serious, but alright x3
by (154k points)
Yes very

It’s easier to cure though you just have to pop it in

It’s probably still painful though-
by (527k points)
You're u have to go to Madam Pomfrey—
0 votes
by (523k points)
The one I have rn
+1 vote
by (131k points)
I broke my arm....

It was my sisters dog fault
by (527k points)


always blame it on the dog dog-face

+1 vote
by (154k points)
I ran into the wall and broke my pinky toe and it hurt really bad but I did something dumb so

I also sprained my pinky finger trying to catch a football

by (527k points)
You have bad luck with pinky mini limbs.
by (154k points)
Indeed so
by (37.6k points)
Huh, I also broke my pinky toe once because I slipped and whacked it into something on accident
by (527k points)
Strange phenomenon with pinky toes...

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