+2 votes
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My mom says that I’m to young but I’m 12 and the age rating is 12+.

So how do I convince them to let me have Pinterest?

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (56.8k points)
Best answer
K. So… in MY opinion, If ur mom says you can’t have Pinterest…don’t get Pinterest. No matter the age rating….there still could be some bad stuff on there.

Ima get a lot of hate for it…but I think you should listen to ur mom
by (947k points)
There’s bad stuff on all social media.
by (260k points)
Unfortunately I've found some very disturbing content on Pinterest. I reported it, and they said they found nothing wrong with it. I appealed, and still they found nothing wrong with it and I'm out of options and disgusted.

Tbh, don't get Pinterest. It's way too easy to find nasty stuff on there, even accidentally.
by (56.8k points)
Yes, thanks for backing me up
I guess I’ll wait till I’m older because what I’ve heard is that there’s a lot more adult things on there.

(Yeah and I’m NOT going to get it with out telling my parents)
by (56.8k points)
Yeah. VERY good idea.
by (947k points)
And somehow, I have never found any inappropriate stuff on Pinterest…
0 votes
by (23.1k points)
Well if ur parents are that strict.....U can just make one without telling them
by (56.8k points)
Yeah NO
0 votes
by (105k points)
OMG WHY DO YOU WANT PINTREST ITS REALLY BAD IT HAS A TON OF BAD STUFF ON IT SERIOUSLY SHE IS RIGHT TO NOT GIVE IT TO YOU. I'M 15 AND I CAN'T EVEN HAVE IT (Technically I am not allowed to have any sort of social media but we just don't talk about KT :D)
by (81.8k points)
Wow talk about strict parents...
by (205k points)

by (105k points)
Omg I hate Encanto
by (205k points)
by (56.8k points)

encanto is…


Well I wouldn’t be looking at the bad stuff because just NO and it has some really great ideas and inspiration.
0 votes
by (947k points)
Well, you’re 12. And Pinterest requires that you be 13.

Now obviously you can fake the birth date, but if you’re just using Pinterest for casual purposes, I would put your real birth date.
by (116k points)
I’m 11 and got Pinterest at 9 lol
by (947k points)
One of my friends (under 13) also has Pinterest. My grandma and my 4th/5th grade teacher also have Pinterest.

I don’t really see the point of Pinterest. It’s more like Imgur to me; you just share images.
0 votes
by (25.5k points)
Legally, you need to be 13 to have Pinterest. You'll have to wait 1 more year.
I guess I’ll wait till my next birthday then I’ll probably ask again. (My birthday is in September so I have to wait 5 months!)
by (947k points)
It’s not against the law to register for Pinterest if you’re under 13; the only reason you have to be 13+ (is it 16 in California now?) is because of COPPA, which supposedly helps protect childrens’ privacy on the internet by preventing big companies from tracking children without consent from parents. And of course big companies want to track people to make money so a lot of them set 13+ as the default account age.

And also, COPPA only came into effect in 1998, so you could register for social media at any age theoretically before then.
That makes sense
by (521k points)

Social media in 1997:

Hi gize Im for yeerz old wanna chat

by (25.5k points)
I don't think social media even existed in 1997.
by (947k points)
*laughs in America Online*
0 votes
by (30.6k points)
Maybe you could tell them that that you absolutely promise not to look at anything bad/inappropriate

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