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So I've been thinking a LOT about this lately, but I'm TERRIFIED. I mean, she was pretty supportive of me when I told her I was bi, but I'm not sure how she'll handle me having a past life as an animal (being a therian). I've already got some defense facts in mind (Like if she asks if therians are furries or if therianthropy is a religion) but I still need help bc IDK what to do or how she'll react. NOTE: I am not telling dad because he's Christian & I know how he is whatchutalkingabout_smile

Please help.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (112k points)
Best answer


1. Use the May-May method. For example: "I may be a therian, and I may have had a past life as a therian..."

2. Put up a the therian symbol on your wall and wait until she asks what it means.

3. Write a letter! (that's how I came out to my parents)

Good luck!


Hm, good ideas... I dunno if the may method will work because she's very quick to realize what I'm actually saying, & I'm afraid she might think that the therian symbol is something demonic (She's not religious, but still). Might try to write a letter to mum, SO LONG AS DAD DOESN'T OPEN IT BEFORE SHE DOES... ;~; Good ideas though, thank you.


Mkay, so I just emailed one of my school friends that I'm a therian, I explained probably a lil too much lolz. So there's step one, I came out to a fren. 

I swear I put more effort into that email than I did in my 5 paragraph essay laughing-tearslaughing-tears

0 votes
I’m sorry I don’t know, I haven’t told my parents that I’m a therian yet ether :P

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