+6 votes
in Other by (20.7k points)
Proberbly it's to myself.  I don't spend much time with my family.

6 Answers

0 votes
by (951k points)
I’m closest to myself and my cousins. I’m also close to my dad, but we have an argument every once in a while.

My mom annoys me all the time saying stuff I don’t really understand (sockadoodledoo is the newest thing) and she sings preschool songs all the time to me.

My little sister also annoys me, but in a different way. She chases me all day if I don’t have my room door closed or if I’m outside of my room. Half of the time, she hits me. The other half, she hugs me (it still bothers me though).
0 votes
by (24.0k points)
Myself and my cousins
0 votes
by (543k points)
Self or sister
0 votes
by (7.3k points)
my mom. she's my best friend
My mum is also my BFF :D
+2 votes
by (95.3k points)
my bookshelf :>


or my sister
by (155k points)
I'm what you mean
by (155k points)
+1 vote
Probably my mom and my 9 yr old brother.
by (52.6k points)
My mom and my brother.

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