+10 votes
in All Advisors by (284k points)
I am depressed because of things that are happening in my life (like moving and stuff)

And i need help because yesterday i tried to kill myself... I dont remember even making the decision cuz i would never do that but i did and now im worried i might try again



Yesterday I was in the kitchen making myself a sandwich cuz I was hungry, I got a knife and spread some mustard and mayonnaise on the bread but i usually when i make a sandwich, put the knife to the side so that i can use it later to cut the sandwich, but this time, i Put the knife to my neck and tried to kill myself

The only reason i am still alive is because i was caught by my mom, she went overboard and took away all objects that could inflict pain on myself temporarily,

I did end up cutting myself on the neck but it wasnt anything serious thankfully

Im going to have nightmares tonight......fearfearfearfear


4 Answers

0 votes
by (12.9k points)
I know its been a while, but please!!!! Remember that you are beautiful and amazing. Do not let those negative thoughts get to you, because they are not right. We love you, and your parents too. We are all here if you need to talk.

0 votes
by (540k points)

I feel like that all the time bc of my parents not getting me all th MC things I want.
+1 vote
I know how it feels, but whatever happens in life just know that there are ppl that love you and care for you. Pls do not do it, there is always something to live for and God has a plan for you.
+2 votes
OH No !!!!!!!!!  God has a plan for you , you may not know it but he does . I don't know everything ,but from what you told me  with moving and everything there is a reason for all of this just remember God loves you .

If your not a Christian  it seems to me that your parents do love you ,and would hate to  see you die . You would make them very sad.

I know you said you don't know what happened ,but maybe if you had positive motivation that would subconsciously not want to do that

Oh and one final thing Don,t you dare leave without telling us or we will think you died !

From your friend Thalia
by (284k points)
Thanks, and yeah if i leave without warning then you might be right... :/
asked Aug 24, 2021 in All Advisors by (284k points) Update on my suicide-ness


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