+1 vote
in Mental Health by
mY Life sucks nobody loves me or cares about me im dead to people everyone bullies me and i have no one to talk to i have no friends lots of enimies one bad parent cause the other one is dead and one sibling who they actually love i dont know what to do
OMG that is so upsetting. I don’t have an account but you can always check out my posts! I know how it feels (sort of) to feel all alone. There used to be a girl at my school who said that all my friends were only pretending. Eventually a teacher heard and now she is my BFF. I also kinda only have one parent but I still see my dad. I just prefer to see my mum and can’t stay at his house cause I just miss her. I feel so sorry for you. I am Witch Girl 23 if you want to check out my posts. You strike me as smart. Remember smart is the new cool #SITNC.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (165k points)

I am so sorry you feel that way! I know how it feels to think your parents don't love you or don't care about you. I don't know your home life, but I do know that Jesus loves you! And that he is always ready for you to talk to him! And your parents might have favorite kids, but they still love you (I do know what it feels like to think that your not your parents' fav). And lots of people on KT would love to be your friend (including me! :D) 

I hope that you feel better soon (I mean about your problems with your family) 

0 votes
by (541k points)
  1. Sorry for your loss
  2. your parent still loves you.... Maybe not as much as your sibling but they still love you.
  3. I care about you
  4. You're not dead to me
  5. I can be your friend *Gives you virtual friendship bracelet*
  6. You can ALWAYS talk to me and the KT community. 
  7. Your life doesn't suck
Whenever you think your life sucks just remember any or all of this: There is always someone who isn't as lucky as you. You are special. You are unique. You are kind. You are valuable to this world.A bad day does NOT mean a bad life. You are an amazing person. You are courageous. You are funny. You are loved. You are important. You will make a positive impact on the world. 
You could also do something that brings you joy. Whether it's playing Minecraft (couldn't help it), listening to music, reading a book or playing an instrument; do whatever brings you joy.
Hope this helped. 
Thank you very much.
I can be your friend too! :D you can join my daily blog! or at least once a week blog lol
0 votes
by (261k points)
First off, I'm so sorry for your loss :( I totally know what's it's like to lose the people you love.

I also have one bad parent- I still have my mum, but my dad is, uh, not present or welcome in my life.

You can always talk to me!! I would love to hear you out!! :))

Listen, life is super rough, and harder on some more than others. Just keep your head high, and you are gonna be such a strong person later on in the future!! KEEP GOING!! :D

Best of luck!!
Thank you


I would like to have someone who understands me to talk to

And thank you for the advice

Thank you cheerless cheerleader wanna be friends?
by (261k points)
Ofc!! :D And yes, I would love to :) You planning on sticking around??
Yes I do. I think I should test this site out first before making an account though. YAY! :)
by (261k points)
Woot woot!! Understandable ;)

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