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This friend, which we will call Lily for privacy reasons, has been my friend since we were toddlers. I am an only child, and me and Lily hang out almost every single day. Some people joke and say we should be siblings. Only a year ago, Lily's dad died from cancer. She was devastated, and didn't speak to me or anyone for days; not even her older brother, Derek, who she was quite close with. When she finally stopped being depressed, after months, she began speaking to me again, but the way she spoke wasn't exactly friendly. She would make rude remarks about my outfits, make cruel jokes about my other friends when they were sitting nearby, and bully younger kids on the bus.

The thing is, I didn't do anything about it. What could I have done? She was my best friend of 13 years, I wasn't about to tattle on her. What happened next sounds made up, but I promise you it happened.

It was Friday, I remember. I was on the bus, looking out the window and wishing it wasn't so hot outside. I heard someone laughing and yelling in the back, so I looked. Lily was bullying a little girl who was shrieking and trying to hit Lily in the nose, but with no success. The bus driver knew what was happening, but ignored it and kept driving like nothing was going on.

At the next stop, I got out of my seat and went to Lily. I gave her an entire speech about not bullying and how we used to be good friends but drifted apart because of her rudeness, but then she got right in my face and said in an amused tone, "We were friends?".  She then grabbed her bookbag and ignored me for the next several days, but she still tortured the other students.

I had had enough at this point, I went to the principals office the next day and reported her, describing everything Lily had been doing and how nobody else was stopping it. Needless to say, Lily got detention for 4 days straight. When she found out I had done it, she went to my mother and father and began telling them horrible things that I had never done in my life, and I got grounded for a week.

What do I do? I never meant to hurt my friend and I wish she could just stop being so rude to me. Help!

1 Answer

0 votes
by (541k points)
Tell your parents she lied. Unfriend her.
Ty for the advice. I was thinking about doing this before I added my question to KidzTalk, but I wasn't entirely sure about it and felt like I needed confirmation.

Thanks again
by (541k points)

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