+9 votes
in Minecraft Stories by (543k points)

Steve asked “Alex can I please cry on your shoulder?”

Alex looked at Steve. Steve had water filling up his eyes.

Alex said “Sure.”

Steve leaned his head on Alex’s shoulder and started to cry his eyes out. 

Carol said “Steve, you think you can forgive me yet?”

Steve yelled “Everyone but Alex OUT!”

Everyone but Alex rushed out of Steve’s house and scattered.

Alex helped Steve over to his bed. 

Steve said “Would you mind helping me get to the doorways to the difficulties?”

“You think you can handle it?”


“Okay, Steve if you’re sure”

“When can we head out?”


“Why not now?!”

“Well … Okay. By the way, I used to live near your friends. All came back but one.”

“Okay. Who was it?”

“I think it was Stephanie”

Steve cried even harder. 

He wailed “My bestie didn’t survive!”

Alex said “You think you can forgive Carol yet?”

“I will NEVER forgive her! I thought you would love it if I broke up with her.”

Alex said “I am. But, I think you are taking this too extremely.”

“I don’t care! I will never forgive her!”

“Okay honey. I would like you to carefully consider if you actually want to stay broken up with Carol and if you really want to go to peaceful.”

“I never ever want to get back together with Carol and I really want to go to peaceful!”

“Okay, but could you please sleep on it for me?”

“Fine. Do NOT let anyone else in.” 

Carol then knocked on the door and Steve answered it, still crying. 

Carol said “Steve, I’ve thought about it and I never really loved you! I love your announcer more than I ever loved you!”
Steve then cried as hard as he possibly could he wailed “I thought we had something special!”

Alex then came to the door and said “Oh … it’s you. You make me sick!” and spat in Carol’s face.

Steve said “What do you see in my announcer?”

“What I saw in you. Except he says he’s willing to improve and change his personality for me!”

Alex said “Steve please let her in?”

“Fine! BUT, you have to admit to lying about all my friends dying!”

Carol looked at Alex and then back at Steve and said “I’m sorry Steve, I’m not lying.”

“But- But-but Alex said all but one made it back!”

Carol looked at Steve sadly and said “I’m sorry Steve all your friends are gone forever! The hospitals gave me their dust.”

Steve started to cry even harder. He wailed “Carol! You’ve got to be lying! Alex, is she lying?”

Alex glanced at Carol and said “I’m sorry Steve. I just said all but one made it back to spare your feelings. The only one that survived was Terry. And now she wants NOTHING to do with you!”

Then Carly came to the door.

Steve said “I have gotten three things that have happened to my friends.; all are dead, only one is dead and all but one is dead. Which is the truth?”

Carly then looked kindly at Steve and said “I have no clue.”

Alex said “I know where they lived before they died. You can visit their houses to see which is the truth.”

Steve nodded and said “Okay I’ll go. But, I must go alone!”

Carol said “Steve, may I please come with you. In case they want nothing to do with you.”

Steve glared at her and yelled “No way Ms roundy circle!”

Alex then glared at Steve and said “I am friends with Carol. She is very emotionally fragile. Apologize now!”

“I’m sorry Carol.”

“It’s okay honey.”

“Don’t call me honey!”

Oliver then came in and said “Carol! My little shmoop, why did you call Steve honey? If this relationship is going to work, you need to stop calling Steve pet names!”

“Okay little shmoop-a-doop. Steve I’m sorry you have to go to the nether without me.”

Steve yelled “I don’t want to go to the nether! I'm a banana.”

Hex then came in and said “Steve, you have to go to the nether. Now! Who would you like to come?”

“Carol, Alex and Oliver.”

“Uhh okay Mr. banana”

Carol said “No way Steve! I am NOT going on an expedition with you! You broke up with me and I just need some time away from you!”

Hex said “I guess it’s just Alex and me then.”

Carol rolled her eyes and said “Okay fine I’ll go”

Hex said “Well….this is really only an expedition for three.”

Carol said “Okay fine! I guess Oliver and I will just hang out together."

Alex said “Please come with us Carol.”

“No! I want to stay back with Oliver”

“Okay fine Carol. I may have gotten back together with you if you would’ve went with us.”

“I already told you! I don’t love you anymore Steve! I mean yeah Oliver can’t give me PvP tips and he isn’t as attractive as you and he’s a bit mean to me. You know what Oliver, it's over! You aren’t quite what I’m looking for in a boyfriend at the time.”

Steve said “Uhh Carol. He is very picky about how people put things. In fact it took me about six months to figure out how he liked things put”

Oliver asked “One last kiss before it’s over for good?”

“Well … Okay.”

Carol and Oliver then kissed afterwards Carol said “Goodbye forever.”

Carol then came over to Steve and asked “Please forgive me. I’m extremely sorry I forgot to tell you.”

Steve crossed his arms and turned around. He said “The ONLY WAY I’ll forgive you is if you respawn them. And you can’t use my respawner!”

Hex said “Steve, for a respawner to work it has to be within a month of them dying … unless you have a very rare DSW35+ respawner which only one person has successfully built and as soon as it was used it got destroyed…. Well as the legends go.”

Steve said “Actually I am friends with the person who built it. I could ask them to build another one.”

“Okay Steve. It’s worth a try. But ,first you need to go to the nether!”

“Fine!” Steve said sarcastically “But first can we please see all my friends from peaceful mode?”

Hex said “Well … only of you forgive Carol.”

“We’ll see”

Alex said “I should probably come too.”

Hex came over to Steve and said “You may visit your friends from peaceful mode IF you promise not to annoy them”

“I promise!” Steve said 

Hex said “Okay so would you like to try and call all the friends you are visitiong?”


Alex called all the friends. Surprisingly all but one picked up.

Alex said “Hi guys. Do you still live where you lived when I was in peaceful?”

“Yes actually. Why do you ask Alex?”

“Well, Steve is coming to visit you.”

Everyone on the other end of the call said “Oh, Steve” in a disgusted voice “We don’t want to see HIM again!”

“Would you be so kind as to explain why?”

“Well … he said he would come back for a week when he was a PvP master. He has been in the news so much lately we know he has been a PvP master for years and he hasn’t visited us for a DAY after leaving for normal mode”

“Oh, maybe he just forgot?”

“Uhh no. He also blocked our numbers on his phone. Can you explain that?!”

“Maybe you were bothering him too much.”

Everyone on the other end said “hmm. We did call him three times a day after he was in the news for the first time”

“Maybe that’s why he blocked your numbers!”

“Well then why did he never respond to any on the letters we sent to him?”

“Maybe you didn’t send it to the right address.”


“Are you okay if he visits you?”

“When is he expected to arrive?”

“Well, in a few days”

“Not enough time to plan the party we’re going to throw for him. We’ll be ready in about a month or two”

“Okay, I’ll tell him right now.”

“NO! It’s a surprise party don’t tell him a word about it”

“Okay. How can I tell him not we’re not leaving just yet”


“Me, Hex, Carol and Steve”

“Okay. Just say Stephanie is sick and will not recover for a couple months”


Alex hung up

Steve asked, “So, can I visit them?”

Alex gulped nervously and tugged at her collar and said “Stephanie is sick and won’t recover for a month or two.”

“OMG! I got to visit her to tell her I hope she gets better soon”

Alex then called the friends back. 

She said “Uh, slight problem. When I told him he said he has to visit to tell her he hopes she gets well soon. How can I convince him not to go?”

“Well, you could say it’ll take that long for us to forgive him!”


“Does he have any PvP games he can train for?”

“Uhh no. He’s retired. Didn’t you watch the live stream?”

“What?! He told us he wouldn't be until he was 79.”

“I know. He now-” she trailed off “Hex!! Why can’t Steve do any more PvP?”

“He got so sick he will never recover.” Hex responded
Everyone on the other end said “Bob again?”


“Steve really has to learn to not eat things farmer villagers make!”

“Well, how should I?”

“Well… you could say she has an extremely contagious disease”

“Good idea thanks!”

And hung up.

Alex said “Steve you could just go on the nether expedition while you wait.”

“Well…okay. Why exact;y do I have to go to the nether?”

“Because you have a very rare disease called netheritis. The only cure id goimg to the nether and finding the special healing potion”

Steve said “I have a potion of healing!”

“No no no, the potion is called potion of ultimate health.”

“Uhh I think I have that!”

“Uhh I think Terry moved to the nether of normal mode”

Steve nodded and said “Really?” skeptically

Alex looked at Carly who nodded and said”Terry lives at 300, 31, -100”

Steve suddenly had an Icy chill go down his spine. Steve said “Uhh that’s where the Nether dragon is according to legend”

Alex said “Uh where did you get that information?”

Steve went over to a bookshelf and pulled down a book called beasts of the nether. And found the nether dragon.

Alex, Carly and Hex went over to the book and said “Oh my gosh Steve! You remembered that!”

Alex then got a brilliant idea she said “Steve? You could be a treasure hunter!”

Steve glared at Alex and yelled “PvP forever!”

“Writer? You could write about PvP.”

Steve nodded and said “Okay. I also want to be a treasure hunter!”

Alex looked at Steve confused and said “Really?”

Steve said “Oh yeah and Carol, I forgive you”

“Really?!” Carol asked excited

“Almost” Steve said 

“What will it take to complete?”

“Well …. You could find someone to take my PvP arena. Someone who will love it as much as I did AND will let me visit when I want.”

Carol said “*I do know one person who isn't as interested in PvP as you but he will use it very often.”

“Who is it?”


“What?! The person who I was going to compete with next month?!”

“Uhh… yes”

Hex then asked Steve a quick question. “There’s a calendar in your room with a ton of names of people with times. What is that about?”

“Oh those are my PvP battles”

“Can I get rid of it as you are retired now?”

“I have to do one last game before it’s over for good. I know I told all my fans I am retiring. But I need to see if Alexander is actually worthy of my arena!”

“Uhh I’m so sorry. I got rid of all your swords and PvP stuff”

“You WHAT?!!!!!”

“Got rid of all your PvP stuff”

Steve then ran over to Hex and slapped him as hard as he could five times.

Steve got right up in Hex’s face and yelled “I am NOT going to the nether with YOU!”

Steve then yelled “Did you at least keep my PvP awards?!”

“Umm… no. I gave them to people who wanted them.”

“So you gave them to WANNABES that have never won any PvP battles?!”

“Yes. Please don’t kill me”

“Any chance of getting them back!?”

“Well no.” 

Steve then yelled “Hex I want you out!!!!!!”

Alex said “Steve, maybe you should check to see if he is telling the truth”

“Good idea Alex”

Steve ran upstairs to his PvP room and saw it was empty. 

Steve ran back downstairs and ran up to Hex and yelled “All those PvP awards are irreplaceable. Find a way to get them back!”

Hex said “Steve, I just put them in a top secret place in your village”

“Where did you put them?!”

Alex said “I know where he put them.”


“You know my new house?”

Hex said “Be quiet Alex!”

“Why?1 He’s really upset!”

“He will continue PvP!”

“No he won’t”

Steve said “Yeah I wouldn’t”

Hex said “Okay Steve, I’ll show you.”

Hex, Alex and Steve then headed over to Alex’s house.

Alex led Steve to the PvP room and all of Steve’s PvP awards were there. Steve grabbed all of them and went back home.

Steve then went up to his PvP room and put all his awards back up.

Hex said “Now, you can’t do that battle against Alexander!”

“I know. But can I please compete in the PvP game of the century? I’ve been training for that for two years!”

“Sorry, no you can’t”


Alex said “Steve we’re just trying to protect you.”

“So what?! The battle is in my arena!”

“Uhh Steve, I’m sorry but, you almost got dropped out of the battle. I’m sorry. There was an announcement on PvP radio about it. By the way, They are going to interview you about your PvP days in a week”

Steve said “So do I still have to go to the nether?”


“Okay. We can leave in a week.”

One week later, someone came to interview Steve. 

They asked “So Steve, everyone is purely puzzled why you are retiring from PvP. You're repetitively said you would retire at 79. Why so early?”

“Well, I am sick and will never recover.”

“What was your favorite battle you ever did?”

“Probably …. Alex. She was a real challenge.” 

Alex then said “Oh Steve! You do care about me!”

Then the interviewer asked “Steve, so who will you give the battle arena to? The PvP champions? They need a new arena and I heard they will pay up to 100,000,000 diamonds and 500 emeralds for a new arena.”

“i’m planning on giving it to Alexander”

“Oh. How did you like PvP?”

“I loved it. I will still watch all the pro PvP games on TV.”

“Do you miss PvP at all?”

“Yes, I miss it more than i miss my friends from peaceful”

“Wait, you're from peaceful?!”


“Okay. We have a gift for you Steve from the entire PvP news team.”

The interviewer then reached into his bag and pulled out an award. And handed it to Steve. 

Steve took it and looked at it.

He said “Oh my gosh! The PvP master of the millennium! I’ve had dreams about this! Thank you!”

“So, how do you feel about receiving the second highest PvP award?”

“There’s one that is even more prestigious than this?!”

“Yes, the PvP master of the eon. To get it you would have needed to win 10 more battles or the PvP of the century game this year.”

Hex rolled his eyes and said “You can do the PvP game of the century if you’ll be happy.”


“So are you doing the PvP of the century game?”


“Okay. Will you tell your fans?”


“Do you know who’ll be competing in the PvP masters game?”


“Danny and Paul.”

“The ones who have never lost a PvP battle?! I thought they cheated!”


“The Masters of PvP game is in two weeks, are you excited?”

“Two weeks!?! I’m NOT ready.”

“How are you not ready?”

“I haven’t done any PvP in over a week.”

“Oh. What will be your speech for the battle?”

“I don’t know.” 

“Everyone needs at least a one minute speech or they’ll be immediately disqualified.”

Steve began to sweat and said “Oh no, oh no, oh NOOOOO. I’ll be disqualified from a dream of mine.”

The interviewer said “How do you feel about this?”

“Get out! I have to plan my speech.”

The interviewer said “I’m sorry Steve. Your speech has to be submitted by 8:00 tomorrow . AND it has to be recorded for proof it’s one minute”


Alex said “Steve, I’m sorry. But, you most likely won’t make it.”

Steve yelled “EVERYONE OUT!”

The interviewer said “Okay, at the battle we’ll interview all the competitors at the battle.”

Steve yelled “Everyone out!”

Hex said “Steve, I can help you. I kind of know how to make a speech.”

“Do you know what is expected of a PvP speech?!”


“Please get out! Unless you will give me refreshments!”

Everyone except for Oliver left.

Oliver said “Steve, I know you want everyone out unless they are getting you refreshments. But, I know what is expected at a PvP speech”

“Even a one minute one?!”


“Okay you can help me write it. But, you have to leave when I record”


Steve grabbed some paper and a pen. 

Oliver said “begin by introducing yourself.”

Steve wrote I am Steven Sylvester Oliver Swapnil Stevenson Stonecutter

“How many PvP battles you have competed in.”

I have competed in 203 battles only losing ten of them.

“How long have you been training?”

I have been training for this event for two years.

“What got you into PvP?.”

I have been into PvP ever since my adoptive parents put me in PvP battles starting when I was five years old.

“Your first PvP experience?”\

My first experience with PvP was whenvI got bullied at school for not liking mob combat at all and it was purely horrifying

“Why do you do PvP?”

I do PvP because it gives me pride when I triumph over other people.

“Your special move or moves?”

My special move is backing up 25 blocks and then wind sprinting at my target and when I’m close leaping adnd whil lading attack.

“Why should the committee pick you?”

“There’s a committee?!”


I should be chosen because I am the most well respected PvP master of all time. I actually won the PvPer od the millennium award.

“Now sign off”

Please pick me to compete in this highly exclusive event.

“Now say it”

Steve said “Hi, I’m am Steven Sylvvester Oliver Swapnl Stevenson Stonecutter and I have competed in 203 PvP battles only losing ten of them. I have been training for this event two years.I have been into PvP ever since my adoptive parents put me in PvP battles starting when I was five years old.My first experience with PvP was when I got bullied at school for not liking mob combat at all and it was purely horrifying. I do PvP because it gives me pride when I triumph over other people. My special move is backing up 25 blocks and then wind sprinting at my target and when I’m close leaping and while landing attack.I should be chosen because I am the most well respected PvP master of all time. I actually won the PvPer of the millennium award.”

Oliver nodded and said “Good job now record it”

Steve went over to his desk and logged onto his computer. He got onto the PvP championships sign up site only to find it was closed. It had the message Sorry all competitors, all slots are full. If you want to compete, send 50 diamonds to the PvP headquarters or go directly and give them to us. Must receive them by 8:00 P.M 10/15. 

Steve began to cry and said “We’ll never make it.”

Oliver asked “May I see if it’s just a glitch? I will need to use your compu-”

“Sure, go ahead. My life is in ruins!”

Oliver then refreshed the site and a form appeared. 

Steve looked over at his computer and saw the form said only one spot left. Reserved for a PvP legend (Specifically Steve)

Steve quickly filled out the form and he barely got in. 

There was a message that read Do not exit tab or let device turn off until you get a verification email. May take up to five hours. 

Steve groaned and said “I can't wait that long. My computer goes to sleep after five minutes.”

Oliver said :Steve, I can-”

Steve then got a verification email. It read We have read your application. Sadly, you are not what we’re looking for at the time. Speech was too much like Andy Redner’s last time. If you have proof you are actually Steven Stonecutter, we will gladly admit you. Thank you for your time. To prove it you need to send a copy of one of your battles to 3201 Diamond Way in the Unforgiving Hills

Oliver asked “So, did you get in?”

Steve then glared at Oliver and yelled “They think I am a fake!”

“Oh. Here let me go to the unforgiving hills to deliver the tape”

“But, they may think you’re me!”

“Letk’ for phelp on this.”

Steve sighed “Fine”

Oliver and Steve left.

Everyone asked “So, did you make it?!”

“Well… I have to prove it’s really me. I need to go the unforgiving hills to give them a tape of one of my battles”

Alex, Hex and Carol all looked at Steve alarmed and said “The unforgiving hills!? You’ll be killed!”

“Maybe so but I have to to prove it’s really me”

Steve then got another Email it said Sorry about saying you were a fraud we carefully listened to your voice and looked at your video to see you are not a fraud. Welcome to the PvP game of the eon.

Steve was confused he responded I thought it was of the century

The response was You are in all of the big ones this year. This year it’s decade and century. This year over 1,000,000,000,000 people will be watching around the world. Since you have won the year five years in a row, you will be the announcer at the PvP of the year. Oliver got fired from being the announcer of the PvP game of the year after last year’s incident.

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