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in Minecraft Stories by (547k points)

Steve quickly pulled a chair out of his pocket and unfolded it into a regular chair and sat down.

Steve said “Okay, ready. I’ll give both of you feedback.

After the battle (Which Zuri won), Steve gave both the mother and Zuri feedback.

After the feedback, Steve came inside with Zuri with his hand on her shoulders and said “Oh Zuri, that’s the sweat of a winner! You want to play against me one of these days?”

Zuri said “Steve, I don’t need to do battles to feel good.”

Steve sighed heavily and said “Well… I guess not. But, you’re my special little winner. Yes you are!”  and ruffled her hair.

All the other kids saw that and said “Please let us participate!”

“Maybe one day you’ll do Zuri. She’s pretty good. She actually has a chance at making it to the hall of fame! Are you up for the challenge?”

“Yeah! Can you give me your old arena.”

“Well… I’ll have to check with the council. But, I’ll assume it’s fine”

Steve then called the council and asked if giving the arena to Zuri was okay.

The council said “Well… She’ll have to come by tomorrow so we can see. Also are you sure you want to do this? You’ll never be able to use your arena again”

“So? Zuri can make me feel like I did when I did PvP back at the very beginning of my career”

“Okay, be there tomorrow at 3:00.”

Steve said “Guess what my special little Zuri-pop? Tomorrow at 3:00 we got a meeting with the PvP council! Now wash up! I know I like it when you’r all sweaty but the council seriously judges people by that kind of thing and skill.”

Zuri nodded and said “Should I dress like a legend?”

“No! I’ll help you plan out your outfit while you wash up.”

The mother said “Steve? May I please help you plan out the outfit?”

“Nope! Oh and Zuri, I nearly forgot you need to be good with bows, crossbows, lava buckets and axes. Practice on me.”

Zuri said “Do I get any enchanted?”

“Nope! You know what?! I’ll let you practice on me while we wait at the council building.”

“Okay. Are you sure?”

“Maybe now.” and gave Zuri all the things and helped zuri outside.  Zuri practiced on Steve. 

When Steve saw how good she was he said “You’re amazing at this!”

Zuri said “Steve, I don’t want to be a legend. It sounds horrible”

“It sounds like that. But, it isn’t. Now, let’s plan out your outfit tomorrow.”

Zuri and Steve went up to Zuri’s room and looked through all the outfits. 

When Steve couldn’t find anything good, he said “Nothing good. We’re going shopping.”

Zuri said “Umm why exactly?”

“Because there is nothing that meets their standards.”

Noor then came up and said “Steve, can I please play you?”

“No way!”

Zuri said “Steve, please?”

“I said NO! Keep going like this and I won’t let you follow your dreams of PvP legend!”

“Okay.” said Zuri glumly

“Get out Noor! This is for current and possible future legends only!”

Alex then came up and said “Steven Sylvester Stonecutter! Stop trying to force Zuri into doing PvP!”

Zuri said “I actually want to do this”

“Okay then. Steve, go right ahead” and left.

Steve said “Wait! You do have one outfit that is okay” and pulled out an outfit.

Zuri tried it on and said “Fits”

Steve said “Good!”

Zuri then took it off and said “All day tomorrow?”

“Yes. You only have to wear this outfit to see if you get my arena.”

The next day, Steve got up and said “Today is my last day with my arena.”

Zuri then woke up came into Steve’sroom and said “Let’s go!”

Steve nodded and said “Okay, first, grab you sword and everything else I trained you with… some people require more than one thing You do however need your armor..”

Steve then realized that they’d be late. So, he said “We’re going to be late! Hurry up!”

Zuri said “Relax, if we’re a few minutes late, they don’t care.”

“Actually they do. It majorly affects your score negatively.”

Zuri grabbed all the materials and said “Ready to go!”

Steve looked over at her and nodded. 

He thn gave her breakfast and when done, rushed her out the door.

On the way, Steve lectured Zur on the more advanced moves. 

They arrived just at 3:00. 

Someone came out and said “Zuri! Come in and we’ll see if you qualify.”

Zuri said “Steve, on second thought, I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m too nervous”

Steve said “You realize this is negatively reflecting on both of us. Right?”

“Sorry. I’ll go in… If you come with me”

Steve sighed and said “I know this will negatively affect both of us. But, okay”

The person who called them in said “Steve, you have to come in with her! New rule.”

Steve grabbed Zuri’s hand and walked her in.

Steve said “Haven’t been here in a while.” and laughed.

The person who called them in said “Okay, so, first you use a sword. Attack me”

Zuri pulled out the sword and ran towards the one who called them in. 

Steve nodded and when the person said “Next, potions.”

Zuri pulled out a wither potion as soon as the person started running and threw it at him. It hit.

“Next, lava”

Zuri pulled out a lava bucket and used it and backed away.

Then the person said “Yes, you just have to do one more thing. A battle against me.”

The person said “Steve, you can’t be here for this.”

Zuri said “Steve, are these people good?”

“Yes they are. If you win… I promise to not make you take any more PvP classes.”

The person said “Now that’s required. At least three years total.”

Steve nodded and left the room.

After the battle, Zuri ran out and hugged Steve and yelled “I won!”

Steve said “I know, I have to hand down my arena.”

Then someone else came out and said “Steven Stonecutter, you have to hand down the key to your arena.”

Steve nodded and grabbed the key from his pocket and said “Here you go. I hope you treat her well.”

Zuri said “Thanks Steve!”

Steve then walked Zuri out and once to the car, said “Will you invite me to your battles?”



Once home, Steve said “Great job Zuri!” for the fiftieth time.

Zuri said “You’ve said that 50 times now!”

Alex then walked out and said “Steve! Zuri! I was so worried about you!”

Stee said “Geez. You knew we were going to try out for a PvP legend”

Alex said “Oh. So, did Zuri make it?”

Zuri said “Yeah!”

Steve said “Yeah she did.”

 Steve then got a call from the council. 

He picked it up and said “Yeah?”

The council said “Zuri please.”

Steve then handed his phone to Zuri. 

The council said “Zuri. Great news! You’ve been invited to the PvP game of the year!”

Zuri said “What’s the PvP game of the year?”

Steve said “Wait?! You were invited to the PvP game of the year?!”


“Oh my gosh! You’re already near the top!”

The council said “Do you want to attend?”

Zuri said “I don’t know if I want to go. I mean…. I just started.”

Steve said “She’ll be there!”

The council said “Okay. Can you give the phone to Steve?”

Zuri handed over the phone. 

The council said “You’ve also been invited”

Steve said “Okay. I’ll participate”

The council then hung up. 

Steve said “Great job! You made it! I’m also participating”

Zuri said “Okay”

Steve then got a notification on his phone. The PvP game of the year was the first day of school.

Steve nodded and said “Zuri, you get out of school on the first day.”

Alex said “No!”

“The PvP game of the year is on that day and she was invited…as well as me.”

“Fine! But, all the other kids have to come!”


Until the day of the battle, Steve trained with Zuri every day. 

The day of the battle, Steve gave Zuri a shoulder massage and said “Alright champ. I’ll protect you.”

“Steve, we’ve done excessive training. I’ve got this.”


They all then headed to the PvP game.

Once Zuri saw all the people there, she said “Steve? How many peopl are competing?”

“Usually 15 or more.”

“How many are watching?”

“50,000,000 at least”

Zuri gulped and said “Where’s my prep room?”

Steve said “You kind of have to ask someone at the sign in booth for that.”

Then they got up to the sign ins. 

One of the people said “Steve, room five. Zuri, room three.”

Zuri said “Steve, I want to go home! I don’t wnt to to this.”

Steve nodded and said “No backing out!”

Zuri ran to room three. Steve headed to room five.

Steve sighed heavily and said “I have to fight one of my kids.”

Then the doors slid open and everyone ran out.

When the battle was almost done, it got down to Steve and Zuri. 

Zuri said “Want do declare a draw?”

Steve said “No. You can beat me though.”

Zuri then got rid of Steve’s last bit of health.

The announcer said “Zuri has won the battle”

Steve respawned in the respawn room. Zuri ran in and yelled “Steve! I won!”

Steve walked up to Zuri and saw how sweaty she was. 

He said “My your drenched in the sweat of a champion! Great job!”

“Will me killing you impact your health in any way?”

“Maybe. Now…You have to give your official winning speech or the win won’t count”

Zuri ran out and geve her speech. 

Steve then slowly came out and said “Great job! Maybe you-”

Zuri cut him off and said “Steve, I don’t wnt to be a legend. This battle was so flipping scary for me.” and started to cry. 

Steve said “Come on, we’re going home.”

The rest of the family then came down to Steve and Zuri and said “Zuri! You did great! You have a future!”

Zuri yelled “I don’t want to be a legend! I want to be a nobody like Carol.”

Alex and Steve said “We’ll discuss it with you tonight”

Then they went home.

Steve and Alex sat down with Zuri and said “Do you want to be a legend?”



“No offense to our family. But, our family being legends is a ridiculous tradition!”

Steve then yelled “You just insulted my entire family up until my great great great great great great great great great great grandparents!”

Alex said “Do you need a break?”

“No! I need to straighten out Zuri!”

Zuri said “Sorry! I was just kidding. The real reason is I don’t want to be pestered everywhere I go.”

Alex said “Zuri! Don’t joke about that kind of thing!”

Steve said “I’m afraid it isn’t that simple. You won your first ever big PvP game. You are pretty much a legend already!”

Zuri started to cry and wailed “I don’t want to be a legend!”

Steve sighed and said “You say that now. But, later in life you’ll want to drop out of school to pursue your PvP dreams. I dropped out in mid 8th grade. I just received my degree in PvP from all the PvP I have done. Luckily the council offers that now!”

Zuri said “No! I will not let myself become a washed up loser like you that doesn’t get a degree until 73!”

Alex said “Steve?! You never graduated?”

Steve said “Yeah. It’s my deepest shame.”

Zuri said “Steve, Alex, I hope it’s okay I take redstone classes”

Steve said “What?! No! You will be the one to continue the family legacy!”

Zuri nodded and said “I understand. Your family’s legacy is extremely important to you. I’ll become a legend if it’ll make you happy”

Steve smiled and said “Awesome! Now, we've got to do some really excessive training. If you want to become a legend you have to do a battle every week… But, you seem to be okay today at the PvP game of the year. Which you did amazing at by the way. Now, that’s all from me” and collapsed. 

Alex said “Steve?”

No response.





Alex yelled “Steve?!”

Still nothing.

Alex started to cry and wailed “The only man I’ve ever loved is gone! Well… I guess I better tell the rest of the kids”

Steve then sat up and said “What i it Alex?”

“Nothing. Now Zuri, if you don’t want to continue the legacy, you don’t have to. I’ll be happy either way.”

Zuri said “I want to do it to make Steve happy.”

Steve said “Aww, you’re my little sweetie-pie.”

Zuri said “I hate pet names!”

Steve said “Oh yeah, today I was going to pick up a pet just for you.”


Steve said “I guess. I was hoping for a cat, ocelot or wolf.”

Steve then went to the pet shelter and adopted a bunny and named it Toast.

Zuri said “Aww Steve, you’re the best!”
Steve said “Been so long since I had a pet!” and went home.

Alex saw the rabbit and said “Aww who’s this little rabbit?”


“Aww cute name.”

All the kids said “We want our own pet too!”

Steve said “Nope! You didn’t win a major PvP event. And Zuri, if you win the one of the decade next year…. We’ll go out to eat just me and you, Zuri.”

Alex said “No!”

Steve said “It’s called a reward system!”

Alex sighed and said “Fine. Who knows if she’ll even be interested in PvP by next year.”

Steve said “I know she will!”

Zuri said “Steve, I promise you, I’ll never get sick of it!”

“That a girl”

Noor then came up to Steve and said “Steve, there are some people at the door.”

Steve went to the door and looked and saw it was the PvP news team.

They rushed in and to Zuri and began asking an absurd amount of questions. 

Steve said “Stop doing this to her, you vultures!”

The news team said “What was that Steve?!” quite angrily. 

Steve said “Stop it you vultures! Zuri is just a little girl!”

The news team then drew their swords. 

Steve gulped and said “There is no way I can take on all these people!”

Zuri drew her sword and said “dont do this to my dad and nobody gets hurt!”

The news team sheathed their swords and said “Okay. We have to ask Zuri a lot of questions now.”

Steve said “Go on.”

The news team started asking Zuri questions and about two hours later was done and left.

Steve said “You see people bothering you isn’t that bad.”

“That was horrible! You’ve actually LIVED with them randomly visiting for over 50 years?!”


Then Steve looked over at Noor an saw he was drawing on the walls with marker.  When he saw that, he an to him and slapped the marker out of his hand.

Noor said “What ar you doing?! I was drawing  you!”

Steve looked and said “Yeah. But, that’s no excuse! I was planning on letting all the kids except Zuri have PvP lessons from a trained professional… cheap, but still. But, now you won’t get them!”

Noor said “So what? I hate PvP! Harming innocent people, not my thing”

Steve then said “Great.” sarcastically “Now I’ll have to clean the walls!”

Alex said “Steve, I’m one year younger than you. I think I can do it.”


Noor said “If you want to punish me… I’ll accept it”

Steve said “Five hour lecture on the sword!”

Alex said “Steve!” scoldingly “He doesn’t have the focus for that!You don’t have the time!”

Steve said “Yes I do! I’ll do it on the weekend!”

“You don’t have the memory or follow through to do that!”

“Yes I do!” as he flexed his muscles.

Alex said “Okay. Zuri! Sometime ths weekend can you remind me to give Noor a five hour lecture on the sword?”

“You got it Steve!”

And everyone went to bed.

That weekend, at 8:00 Steve was still sleeping and everyone was trying to wake him up. 

Eentually when Zuri thought there was no other choice, she said “Steve,PvP battle me?”

Didn’t wake up. 

Alex said “Zuri, I give you permission to attack him with your sword. The rest of you, can’t even engage while she is doing this.”

Zuri pulled out her sword and said “Forgive me Steve!” and swung her sword at Steve hitting him.

Steve woke up confused and said “Huh?1 What?! Zuri, what are you holding?”

Alex said “She is holding a sword.”

Steve said “What’s that?”

Everyone started to cry and surrounded Steve and said “Steve, you’ve forgotten all your PvP knowledge!”

Steve sai “Yeah, I was just kidding!”

Alex breathed a sigh of relief and said “Lecture Noor on the sword?”

Steve coughed and said “Not feeling too well today”

Alex said “Kids, I need you to get out! I have to have a grown-up talk with Steve.”

All the kids except Noor left.  Noor was drawing on the walls.

Steve said “Ten hour lecture now Noor!” and coughed.

Alex said “Noor honey, Steve and I need to have a grown up talk with each other. Please get out of the room.”

Noor left and on his way out said “Steve, I’m sorry!”

Steve said “Fine! You only have a three hour lecture PLUS a PvP test I WILL show to your PvP teacher so it will count as a grade!”

.Noor nodded and left. 

Alex said “Stevie, lately you’ve been lying in bed an awful lot. I’m beginning to worry about you. You only get up for the day if there’s a PvP game. I have to bring you meals and if you do leave bed for the meals, I have to feed them to you. Do you know what heepened?”

“Not really. I do have a few ideas.”


“I’ve come to accept Tristan, Bob, and Harry’s passing on and I am too sad to get up.”

Alex nodded and said “I understand”

“Or I’m ill”

Alex said “More likely the first one.”

Steve said “Maybe I coil go to the doctor and see if I’m sick.”

“Good idea! I’ll explain it to the kids.”

Then Zuri came n and said “Steve? Do you want to do our training for the PvP master of all time award?”

Steve said “I may be seriously ill. Not now.”

Alex said “I can help you.”

“No! You aren’t a legend like Steve!”

Steve said “How about this? Today is a day for you to STUDY PvP and tomorrow…. Or whenever I get back, I’ll quiz you.”

Zuri nodded and said “Good idea.”

Then Steve went to his doctor and foud out that he was almost dead.

He said “Any way to make my life last until I have grandkids?”

“You have kids?!”

“Yeah, remember? I always complain about them at my yearly check-up. Is there any way?”

“There is one way. It costs over 50,000,000 diamonds and emeralds though”

Steve said “I’ll try it. Is there anything I have to do before?”

“Yes. We have to run some expensive tests. The whole thing including the test will cost 100,000,000 diamonds and emeralds.”

Steve nodded and said “I’ll see”

Then the doctors said “We have to transfer to to another facility. We’ll take you there.” and led Steve to their vehicle. 

Steve laid in the bed and got rushed to the other facility. On the way, he fell asleep. 

When they got there, he woke up and got led to the testing lab where they did some blood work and things like that. 

When done, they said “You have to stay here until the results come in. We have a bunch of small houses with enough space for two people.”

Steve said “Nah. I think I need a break from my family.”

The doctors then led Steve to his little house. 

The doctors said “No leaving this house until we give your results back to you”

The next day, Steve was asleep when they gave the results back.

When Steve woke up, one of the doctors said “You qualify. I must warn you, the procedure has to be done in all three dimensions for it to work”

Steve said “Yes, I want it!”

The doctor nodded and helped Steve to the operation room. The doctors preformed the procedure in just under an hour and then in the nether in just under three hours and in the ender in just under ten hours.

When done, the doctors said “Okay, so,  don’t talk unless you feel it’s absolutely needed for a week.”

Steve nodded. The doctors then gave Steve a whiteboard and marker and helped Steve back to his car and Steve went home.

Once home, Alex ran over to Steve and said “Steve! You’ve been gone for over 36 hours! I was so worried about you!”

Steve quickly wrote Yeah me too.

Alex said “Why aren’t you talking?”

Steve erased what he had just written and wrote not supposed to talk unless necessary.

Alex nodded and yelled “Noor! You don’t have to get lectured for a week.”

Steve wrote how did you know?.

Alex said “They called me and told me. I just thought they were pulling a prank on me that you couldn’t talk. I’ve never been one that cared for that.”

Noor overheard Alex say that and Said “Hey siblings come here!”

All the siblings came to Noor and sad “Yeah?”

Zuri said “What is it? I was studying for mybig PvP test Steve is going to give me!”

Noor said “I just heard Alex say she hates pranks so why not get her good with a good old fashioned prank?”

Alex said “Noor! Come here!”

Noor said “I’ll plan out the details while talking.” and came to Alex. 

Alex said “Noor here was a huge pain! He threw food at the walls, he touched your PvP things and worst of all… he called me fat!” and started to cry

Noor said “Alex! I couldn’t help it! I’m a good for nothing loser who can’t do anything correctly! Well… at least nothing that Steve will let me do which is just dumb PvP and things related to PvP”

Steve felt it neccessary to talk and said “Maybe if you took your PvP classes seriously, I would let you do more!”

Noor indeed and said “Is that it?”

“Yes. Now, remember, tomorrow is Zuri’s first big appearance in PvP culture!”

Steve wrote wait what?!

Alex said “I’m just kidding around with you guys!”

Noor started to laugh and said “Very funny”

Steve just wrote not funny Alex.

Alex said “Sorry about that Steve.”

Steve gave a thumbs up.

Noor left and then came up with the prank. 

Noor said “What if we… all hide in her closet and say we ran away?”

Makenna said “I don’t know. We would need Steve to go along with it. I know he never will”

“Worth a try.  Now, when will we do it?”

Noor said “How amount two weeks from now?”

“Good idea”

Zuri said “I am a little more observant and noticed he reaction when Makenna ran away and don’t want her to feel like that again. We could switch the sugar with salt in the coffee things bin”

Steve then poked his head in and wrote what are you doing?

Noor said “Honestly,  we’re in the middle of a planning season to prank Alex.”

Steve nodded and wrote you guys have fun. I’ll telll you my idea when I can talk again.

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