+4 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by

Hello people, just a warning, tomorrow we will have two 'guests' and then we'll do gay after that. Also, the post might not be very long today, there's a lot going on right now for me.

Hi, I'm Lesbian. 

The lesbian flag has a dark orange at the top, a lighter one after that, a white stripe in the middle, a light pink, and a darker pink at the bottom. This cottagecore flag is more commonly used than one that has another shade of orange and another one of pink, and is perfectly clear, and you'll find out why. 

This is more widely used, because one flag was created by a man and is rooted in transphobia and racism, and the other one tried to erase butch lesbians and is also rooted in transphobia and racism. It's all pink and has a lipstick stain on it. Some people have tried to reclaim the stripes, but its meaning is still there. There is a farm core one that is not well known, but it was designed recently and it's perfectly fine to use.

The definition is a non-man who loves non-men, so the people who are lesbians don't have to be women, and lesbians who are women can like nonbinary people.



1 Answer

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by (526k points)
Best answer
Woah! I always assumed that a lesbian was a woman who loved women. Good to know!

Thank you for posting this! Awesomesauce job, once again!

It's a good thing to know! :)

Thank you :D!
by (954k points)
Same thing here. I was wondering what sexuality someone would use if they liked non-binary people (not saying I do since I don’t know any).
There are a lot of sexualities that include nonbinary people! There's also one that's for a nonbinary person that only likes nonbinary people.
by (954k points)


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