+3 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by

I haven't been getting many requests, so please give me more of them! I want to do flags and identities that people feel don't get much representation, or ones that they think I really need to do. Today will be, again, a bit different than usual.

Yeah, yeah, let's just start.

Rude. Today I have the inclusive pride flag (intersex-inclusive) here, and I don't think I really need to explain what it looks like.

What are we even doing?

I've named it 'boys can wear nail polish'. Today, we're talking about how people say certain genders can't do things, and how things like clothing, make up, and nail polish are all gender neutral even though society says it's not.

Okay, the first one is. . .'can boys wear things like make up and dresses, etc.'

Of course they can! Like I said earlier, make up, clothes, nail polish, things like that, those are all gender neutral. A lot of people don't realize that, but here's the thing: if you tell someone to express themselves but you don't like Harry Styles in a dress, you aren't going by what you're saying. You're just telling people to do the opposite of that. That's not okay.

Express yourself. Wear what you want to wear.

Next up, we have a lot of people saying that women belong in the kitchen.

You're kidding me. 

Sadly, I'm not. This is such an outdated idea that never should have existed. Please stop saying that.

Finally, we have people saying that nonbinary people have to be exactly half masculine or half feminine, or neither.

A lot of nonbinary people are more traditionally masculine and a lot are more traditionally feminine. And yes, you can be in the middle of that: not very masculine and not very feminine. I think that's fine. You just need to realize that being right in the middle is something some nonbinary people do and that some nonbinary people are more masculine or feminine.

Is that the last one? If you have anything that you think we might have missed or that you want more posts like this that have some that we missed. 

And if you want posts that can be different from the ones about orientations and genders, you can tell me what they should be about.

Bye <3


3 Answers

0 votes
by (546k points)



0 votes
by (957k points)
As to 1 - I’ve seen a boy in kindergarten who had nail polish on. Also, I’ve seen a lot of boys with makeup (online and they’re celebrities).
Yeah, I think a lot of people are 'boys can't wear make up', but in ancient times, boys were wearing make up, in some places gay people were accepted. But now the world apparently thinks it's wrong? It makes no sense how that happened.
by (957k points)
I guess not a lot of people know about ancient LGBT+ history.
by (156k points)
by (957k points)
I dunno.
by (528k points)
What do you mean, "Why"?

Is there a problem?
by (528k points)

Oh wait nvm I thought the user was asking something else—


why am I like this

I think so many people ignore that part of history and think LGBTQ+ was somehow invented? It wasn't, LGBT+ people have been here in silence and shadows *pOeTrY*.

And yeah, what do you mean 'why'?
by (156k points)
Ofc there is
by (528k points)
Of course there is what?!

I'm literally so confused.
What do you mean?
0 votes
by (528k points)
Do one about tomboys :3

by (528k points)
Thank ya!



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