+4 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by

Okay, so today, this one will be a little bit different. We don't have a guest, these are just ways to come out. Some are actual ways, and some aren't. Remember that the way you come out depends on you and your situation, so if you need help, you can ask for it. I'm here for you, and I can help. Let's start with the actual ways:

1. Tell the person/people you want to come out to that you want to talk. If you know they are allies and they will support you, you can say, "hey, so, I'm LGBTQ+, I just wanted to let you know." If they may not be, you don't know, or you're sure they wouldn't react well, here's another one: 

2. Make sure you have a back-up plan so that a friend or a family member that does support you can pick you up, and then tell them something along the lines of what was above. Of course, I would advise you tell a supportive person first so this actual works, but don't rush to tell them if you're not ready to come out to them. You can wait to tell them and let someone that already knows do this.

3. Run around with a pride flag. Because, obviously. You can use it as a cape or wave one around. If someone asks you why there's a giant flag around your neck or what the small piece of cloth you're waving on a popsicle stick is, you can tell them. You could also come out a different way.

4. The final one on this list that's serious is to write a letter or a note. For most people, coming out is something that should be done in person, but if you are extremely nervous, you can write it out. Don't be scared to do this.

Okay, now we're onto the less serious stuff. These might work, but they are obviously not advised, lol.

5. Write a little song and come up with a little dance. This could be anywhere from being a cheerleader for a bit (this works well if you're a cheerleader) and chanting that you're LGBTQ+, or even an elaborate show tune complete with background music.

6. The next one is to do some art. Draw a few rainbows on a piece of paper and a couple of pride flags, along with a note (vague, I know), and then put it somewhere where people might see for five to ten minutes and hope that they see it. And then take it back. They might see it. They might not.

7. Okay, finally you can do a project. Do some embroidery, crocheting, or knitting (do not attempt if you can't do any of these things) and make a rainbow. Have a nice note that says 'did you know', coming out) Hide it somewhere next to the lyrics to a wonderful song (make sure it makes no sense) and hope that they pay attention to the note instead. This, again, might not work if they can't see it. Maybe give it to them in a cheerleader outfit and do that chant from earlier.

Okay, here's an extra thing: 

If you are in the closet during pride and you want to celebrate pride, then you can use the traditional rainbow flag! You can also make posters that say 'happy pride!' Go to pride as an ally. You can go with a friend, or by yourself!

Remember to stay safe! Bye!


Also I don't think I'm panromantic. I'm omniromantic, I do still have preference in romantic attraction, too.

Also another one is cake. Cake decorated in flag colors, cake saying 'I'm [blank]'.


2 Answers

0 votes
by (949k points)
Best answer

8. Come out of your 80 year-old neighbor’s closet and scream “I’M [blank]!”.

Hey, that’s what I’d do. If my neighbors actually have a closet.

I love that idea. I would probably do that. 11 out of 10.
0 votes
by (541k points)
Really? Number 3 is serious?
Number 3 is 100% serious. I do it all the time. I also make little paper pride flags and put them up around my moms neighborhood. Its fun lol

- Dino
I'm planning on doing that with my aunt. I'll be holding an omnisexual pride flag (my autocorrect goes to OMNISEXUAL, lol) and I'll hang paper flags up (we're visiting soon). Of course, I'll do it when my parents and sibling aren't around. They would support me, I just don't want them to know.


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