+4 votes
in Other by
Okay. So most of you know I've liked the same girl for over a year. And I kind of want to tell her, but I don't know, she might be straight. And even if she wasn't, I don't think she would like me. To be fair, whenever I have a crush, I really don't think they would like me back.

And I've done this post. How do I tell her? How do I tell my friend?

But every time I want to, I'm just too scared to.

And it's not because I want a relationship. I just want her to know.

The only strategy I have is to tell her at the end of whenever we hang out. The end of a sleepover, the end of getting ice cream. Idk. Or call her, tell her, and hang up.

That's all.

And one last thing, which doesn't involve this.

I want to come out to my sibling, but I don't know how.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (526k points)
Best answer
I've finally decided to answer..

Just come out to the sibling. If they really care about you, they will accept you for who you are.

And about the girl thing, if you sit her down, tell her how you feel, then if she's really your friend, your friendship won't change. You guys can end the conversation by saying that you can just forget you ever had a crush on her (if it makes her a little uncomfortable, because, that's only natural if that DOES happen).


If she IS LGBTQIA+, and she likes you BACK, then it's a win win :D
1) Okay! I think they will accept me.

2) This is really good advice. I've never heard someone say that is a good idea to tell her, and it's really smart.

3) I hope so! I think I'll tell her soon.

Thank you so much <3
by (526k points)
You're welcome, literally any time, my fren :3
<3 :D
0 votes
by (28.8k points)
maby be a secret admirer and type so she doesn't recognize your handwriting
Okay! That's a good idea.

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