+5 votes
in Dinosaur Club by


How am I just figuring this out now?

Finally, a place to dump all my weird hyperfixations on you not-so-innocent souls :D

Have a weird random dinosaur fact: Almost all carnivorous dinosaurs had hollow bones because it allowed for more agility and lighter overall body weight. 

I suppose this is fate because I found this odd little stego figure in one of the grassy areas in my neighborhood today. He is now the unofficial mascot of the Dinosaur Club. Why? Because I love dinosaurs and I am a weirdo. What shall we name him? 

(Also my mum agreed to buy me Technoblade merch and I am way more happy than I should be xD. What did you little schnoodles do today? :)

- Dino/Wil/Wilbur (he/they/xe)

4 Answers

+1 vote

Said me!boogiesauropod

+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
I used to be really into dinosaurs for quite a few years. I had a bunch of books and toys and I knew all the facts.
+2 votes
by (13.7k points)
The first day of school was yesterday :)
+2 votes
by (952k points)
Not the world’s biggest fan of dinosaurs, but you can look up facts about the stegosaurus and decide on a name based on the facts. (Yes, it’s possible. So don’t shut me down by saying “wdym its impossible u dummy”)

Also, the fact that you’re getting YouTuber merch is awesome! I don’t have any permanent merch, but I did have some official MrBeast-themed food (since I’m a fan of MrBeast and my parents have never heard of Alan Becker).

I went to a huge zoo today and saw 2 of my friends. Not one, but TWO!

Other than that, nothing happened. (Oh wait, I’m typing this while breathing so something is happening…)


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