+4 votes
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So uh this is kinda a vent. So my friend, lets call him K, loves calling me. Like all the time. After school, during the middle of the night, 1 IN THE MORNING, it doesnt matter. And we stay on cal for HOURS. don't get me wrong, I love him a lot (platonically obv), but I have no patience and things I need to get done as well.

So yesterday he wanted to call to show me an art project he was working on. I was sleeping and my phone was dead, so I obviously couldn't answer his calls. I felt super bad. I apologized a lot, I felt guilty. I always put time aside to call or text him and this time I didnt. He said it was fine, but I could tell he was a bit annoyed with me.

So I check his social media today casually and see he's posting about me. He left a caption on one of his videos that said "'sleeping'?? Yeah, okay". Its very clearly targeted at me.

I feel guilty. I rarely answer my phone when people call me. Not because I don't like when people call me, but because I just have a super busy schedule. Im always either sleeping or my phone is dead because my brother stole my charger. I wake up, go to school, get home, take a quick nap, go to dance practice, get back home, eat dinner, have a small amount of free time when I study and do homework, and then get ready to go to bed. I have minimal free time to be calling hours on end, K knows that. But at the same time I feel bad. He's a good friend and I feel I should respect him more. What do I do
To add onto it: K thinks im lying. He thinks I don't want to cal him and won't put time aside for him. Thats not true but idk how to fix this help pls

2 Answers

0 votes
by (166k points)
Tell him why you couldn't call him.

Also why a Math Lovers Club tag lol
0 votes

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