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in Fanfiction by (6.0k points)

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The hunt for Charlie begins!... Again.

I'm not sure if y'all already know, but just in case, I'd like to clear up a few of the things I do with punctuation and symbols when writing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ means the start and end of a chapter, or a timeskip.

------------------ is the same as above, but for in-chapter flashbacks. Said flashbacks are also all typed in italics.

"_" is for speech.

*_* is for thought.

Bolded text is used for loud onomatopoeia.

That's about it, I guess. On to the actual book part!


Chapter 17

Amper, one of Brittany's Yellow Pikmin, sailed through the air, letting out a high-pitched cry, as it flew towards a Bearded Amprat that had been blocking their path. The furry creature snarled viciously and ran in circles, trying to reach the leaf-headed beings clinging to its side with its static-charged whiskers, but to no avail. Grunting, it collapsed.

Amper slid down its side and, with the help of Coal, Thorn, and two other Yellows, began carrying the felled beast back to the Onion. Alph whistled back their other Pikmin and beckoned them forward. The group continued until they reached a looming cave. Strange green mushrooms glowed faintly from within the dark tunnel.

He stared at it for a moment; however, as he approached the entrance, a bellowing roar echoed through the hole. He jumped, startled, and glanced at Brittany, who looked unfazed and a little annoyed.

*Well, if the Captain's somewhere inside there...*

"C'mon, Alph," Brittany grumbled, taking him by the arm and dragging him into the tunnel system. "Let's just get this over with. You'll be fine. Probably."

"A-are you sure about this? We have no idea what's in there..."

"If anything comes near us, I will personally punch its face in, alright? Alright. Now, let's get in there, get Charlie out of whatever dumb situation he's gotten himself into, and leave."

The cave creature screeched again when they were inside. Alph whipped around, scared of what he might find, only to see nothing, save for the loyal Pikmin behind him.

"Is something wrong?"

He turned back to Brittany and shrugged. "I don't know. I thought I heard something, but I turned around and there weren't any creatures."

"So nothing's wrong. Now, let's go-"

As she continued to speak, something suddenly appeared. A huge, ugly bug with immense wings and a gaping maw faded into view behind her. He froze. "Brittany." he hissed. "Don't. Move."

"Why, is there-"

She saw the creature, yelped, and jumped backwards. It snarled and flew to another part of the expanse, its wingflaps as loud as a jet plane in the quiet cave.

Alph looked at his Koppad, dread washing over him.

Coming from the beast's location was Captain Charlie's signal.

Yeah, pretty short one lol

Just for the record, Alph has not slept in almost 40 hours of this game's time. He's very exhausted.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (526k points)
I have a feeling that Charlie is just waiting inside the monster's body like:

by (6.0k points)
pretty much lol
0 votes
by (202k points)
Wow I need to read the series
by (6.0k points)
ok :)

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