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in Fanfiction by (6.1k points)

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Chapter 21

Alph stood and stared at the hulking sand worm as it tunneled back down into the earth, the sand rising in huge lumps in its wake. It began circling the two Koppaites and their trembling squad of Pikmin.

"Guys, run!" Brittany shouted. She'd managed to get within earshot, although the beast tunneling past had stopped her. She motioned to them wildly. "Get out of there! Move to another area! DO SOMETHING!"

Charlie shook himself and began carefully walking to where Brittany was, but turned back and looked at Alph. "Hey, what are you waiting for?"

He glanced at the underground creature, which was beginning to dig in circles in a nearby area, and shuddered. "I don't know. I-I'm scared."

"Here." The captain reached out. "Take my hand. I'll lead you across."

Alph's eyes sparkled.

They moved out of the way just as part of the ground collapsed nearby, forming a deep pit. Charlie calmly stepped closer and closer to the exit, pausing whenever the ground began to tremble. They were almost there...

Suddenly Brittany started. "Guys! RUN!" she shouted, backing away - just as a giant ball of sand fell from the sky, landing right in front of them. They turned.

The sand worm had emerged from the ground once more. Alph and Charlie watched as it coughed up another sand ball, which hit just a little to their right. Two more followed and completed the small square.

It had them trapped.

"HEY!" Brittany's voice could be heard from outside. "That creature is doing that thing where it digs in circles and makes a huge death pit. Get your Pikmin out of there, find a way to escape, and get over here!"

Charlie didn't hesitate - he began tossing Pikmin over the edge of the dirt walls, and Alph copied him, not wanting a bunch of Pikmin's blood on his hands. Brittany's whistling almost drowned out the imposing sound of shifting earth. Almost made the intense dread bearable.

Just as the last Pikmin was thrown, the ground below them collapsed. Alph shrieked as he began falling down towards the sand worm's snapping jaws...

When something grabbed him.

He looked up. Captain Charlie was scaling the wall, one hand gripping the wall, the other on the white thing around Alph's helmet. Something about that moment, the dazzling sunlight, the beautiful scenery, definitely not the context behind their situation...

... made him look glorious.

"Uh, you good, Alph? You've gone a bit red in the face."

He hadn't realized he was blushing. "Uh, y-yeah."

Charlie carried him over the edge of the wall and jumped down. He cleared the landing, gently set Alph down, and ran over to Brittany. "Hey, Brittany, did you see that? I got us out!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just go back to the Drake. We need to set up some sort of battle plan against this thing."

"Right!" he said, running off. Alph watched him leave.

Brittany saw him standing there and walked over. "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

"Yes, Brittany," he sighed dreamily. "Yes I am."


so anyways tftk alph has become a queerio (we're calling him that, no questions)

while writing this i spent half my time just trembling with pure shipper excitement, that's how much i pair these two

also alph x charlie > brittany x charlie

brittany, depending on how you look at her, is either undeserving of affection or too good for these fools

anyways farewell *dissipates to write chapter 22*

3 Answers

0 votes
by (528k points)
That's going to be bad luck for Charlie since he's in love with Brittany and doesn't even know that Alph is gay x3
by (6.1k points)
time for some extremely obvious x extremely oblivious
by (528k points)
Yessss x3
0 votes
by (89.5k points)
If you could help me understand pikmin I never got into it so never really understood it.
by (6.1k points)
basically, 1-inch-tall aliens crash on a version of Earth where humans are extinct and grow armies of tiny plant elves to beat up the land's fauna, obtain whatever it is that they lost and/or need back, and skedaddle.
0 votes
by (299k points)



hulking sand worm

you included me in it!! :3


anyways, i 100% ship Charlie and Alph. Brittany...... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

but still, amazing writing!!!!

by (6.1k points)
ayyyyy unintended cameo go brrrr

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