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in Venting by
Here is a huge vent about my grandparents before we stopped getting in contact with them.

Tw: mental abuse, yelling, trauma, depression

My moms parents(nana and papaw), are horrible people, they mentally abused my mom, her siblings, and me.

They tried to get to my dad, but he's tough

Btw, my mom had been doing stuff like this to my mom her whole life.

But umm anyway, this goes way back when I was a little kid, me and my siblings would go to their house when when mom wanted to spend time with dad, and my brother would go to our uncle's room (our two uncles live with our grandparents) and my sister would hang out in the living room with the other uncle, and I would play on nana's laptop. But it would start to get bad, one day, me, our grandparents, and my siblings, were going fishing with them and I was sad cause I wanted my dollar so I could spend it, and I was crying, and papas yelled at me for it and said he would leave me with my parents while my siblings had fun(keep in mind I was 8 years old, and i'm autistic), of course my mom didn't like that, and she gave me my dollar and yelled at papaw, we then went on the fishing trip, Oh they also had favorites, nana's favorite was my brother, and my papaw's favorite was my sister (because she was the oldest), my brother sometimes got yelled at by papaw but it wasn't too much, after a few years later, we moved in on the same property with them, and we had chickens so we had to feed them everyday, but I wasn't allowed to unless I took my morning meds, so one day, my mom decided to get a job at a prison, and had to leave for a few days, and we had to stay at their house, when we did, they wanted me to feed the chickens with my sister, but I was  not medicated , so I refused, papaw yelled at me and tried to force me, I still said no, I told him I couldn't, he called me a liar and a bAd word, and he locked me, in uncle 1's room, and gave me my meds and gave me nothing to do, and when my meds finally kicked in I had to do the chores all by myself, so when mom came back (she quit cause of family issues) I told her everything, and she was furious, so she called nana, and nana lied over the phone, of course mom didn't believe them.

So we cut contact with them, but after a few months nana called saying "why are you keeping our two grandkids away from us?!" My mom said "you mean three grandkids" nana tried to lie, but mom wasn't having any of it,

But wait there's more!

 a tornado destroyed the side of our house, and right after it was fixed, nana and papaw evicted us, and we moved but it took almost forever

I forgot to mention a big fight that happened with them before we cut contact

I wasn't there but mom and dad told everything,  so my mom and dad were with nana and papaw, they were yelling at each other, and papaw wanted dad to hit him , so papaw could call the police, but mom hit him almost knocking him out instead, papaw didn't want to say anything to the police cause he doesn't want anyone to know he got hit by a girl.


I'm doing better now that we are not in contact with them

1 Answer

0 votes
by (202k points)
Thats horrible. My pappa(hes my grandpa) yelled at me once when I was 6 because I was to scared to climb on top of a fridge. He also spanked my 7 year old sister once but he still is a good Pappa

I call my grandpa pappa
he wanted you to climb on top of the fridge???
by (202k points)
To get something I dont remember what it was

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