+3 votes
in Other by (86.0k points)
Guys, I have a friend who is a girl, let's say her name is Stacey. And she has a friend who is a guy who is not my friend, let's call him Ted. So she and him have been friends for a little over a year I think. (FRIENDS. Only friends I swear) And the summer between this year and last year, Stacey called Ted a nickname ONLY TO HIM and AS A JOKE and he decided to leak her crush to his friend group which she had just recently trusted him enough to share. And she was MAD. Understandably so, I mean, he just betrayed her. But she's super nice and forgiving and after they talked for a while, they made up were friends again and everything was fine. But recently, about a month ago, he told A LOT more people her crush. For no apparent reason. And she was ABSOLUTELY LIVID. And betrayed. She deleted his number and didn't make contact. Understandably. The second time is UNFORGIVABLE. But now, he texted her saying what do I have to do to get you to forgive me. Which is nice, and the nice side of her is like oh yeah lets forgive him. But then, you think about it, and he betrayed her trust twice. That is BAD. What should she do??

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (297k points)
im sorry but i read "Stacey" and went..

Oh StAcEy, i GotTa TeLL yAAaaA...

IM iN loVe wITh YouR bIg BroTHeR..."

sorry i love Mad Tsai...

anyways, that really stinks.

she should probably talk to him.
by (86.0k points)

ok thanks I will tell her :)

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