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Arachnodes are not fun :P

Now playing: In The Hall Of The Mountain King


Chapter 30

“There’s a LIVING CREATURE up here, and you didn’t NOTICE!?” Charlie shouted, struggling to push himself out of the web. But it was too strong, and he was flung back towards it.

“I’m sorry!” Alph cried. “I just assumed it was a dead plant!”

“Stop moving!” Brittany snapped, picking up a Rock Pikmin. “If that thing finds you, it will wrap you up, and it will bite you, and it will eat your insides, and you will die.”

This did nothing to make Charlie calmer, but, understanding the message, he froze. In the corner of his eye, he could see the insect approaching, its banded legs resting just below his line of sight. He prayed that it couldn't find him anymore.

Brittany reached to her right, grabbed one of the Red Pikmin, and flung it at the beast. But just as it reached the spider creature, it darted up the web, and the Pikmin’s leaf got caught in the sticky threads. It squealed fearfully, desperate to escape its predicament. “Oooookay, that’s bad,” she muttered. Alph, meanwhile, ran off towards the Drake.

The arachnid, alert once more, began crawling towards the beings caught in its web. It first went for the Pikmin, but Brittany ran forward and tugged it out of harm’s way. The Pikmin was safe, but that move left the creature one target…

…and that target was Charlie.

Waves of newfound panic surged through the captain as he flailed, desperate to escape. The spider monster slowly crawled up, up, up the shaking web, until it was right on top of him. He stared fearfully at the beast’s striped torso, which opened to reveal a huge, jagged-lipped mouth. Was this the end?

It hung there, silent, before suddenly letting out an ear-piercing scream of pain, falling backwards onto the ground. Alph had returned, bringing with him a squad of Rock Pikmin. He pelted the spider with them as it shrieked, crawling away. “That’s right!” he shouted. “Get out of here! And don’t hurt the Captain ever again!”

The moment it left, the web seemed to fall apart, releasing Charlie and the pink Onion. He got up, brushed himself off, and pulled Alph into a tight embrace. After a few seconds, he set down the smaller Koppaite, who took a few dazed steps back, red-faced.

Behind them, the new Onion arose, sprouting three yellow roots that squirmed down and touched down lightly on the leafy ground. Out flew a small, rosy seed that buried itself in the ground.

Brittany gently tugged it from the ground… and it immediately flew away. They watched as the new Pikmin spun around in the sky, its body a pink blur, before slowing down and stopping in front of them, kicking its legs in the air excitedly. Its bright blue eyes shone like marbles, and two tiny, round wings rapidly flitted back and forth, keeping its small body above ground.

“Well, that’s something,” Brittany commented. “First noses, then rock shells, then ears, and now they’ve learned how to fly. This could be useful.”

“According to this data file I picked up earlier,” Alph said, opening his KopPad, “these little guys are called Wing Pikmin.”

“Why not Pink Pikmin? Most other types match their color.”

He shrugged. “Beats me. Either way, it’s pretty cute. I’m gonna call this one Bee, ‘cause it looks like a tiny little bumblebee.” He slowly approached the new Pikmin, reaching out towards it. “Hey, little guy! You’re a cute one, aren’t you?”

It flew towards Alph, hugging his helmet and chirping contentedly… before looking up and staring menacingly at Brittany.

The botanist flinched. “Alph, I’m not sure that one likes me.”

“Well, it’s just one of them. There’s no way the entire squad will hate you,” Charlie pointed out.


The whole squad hated her.

After a few minutes of carrying Pellets back to the new Onion, they’d produced a small army of Wing Pikmin. And according to Brittany, most of them seemed to be glowering at her with those alleged ‘unblinking, buggy blue eyes’. Except for two of them, dubbed Petal and something else by Alph. They just didn’t seem to care.

Sunset had come, and they were walking back to the Drake. The newer Pikmin had been left at their own Onion, for their own protection. And now that they were gone, Brittany refused to stop talking about them.

“I’m telling you, they HATED me!” she grumbled. “It was just some sort of reasonless grudge. Do you think they considered me an impostor of sorts?”

Alph just reached up to swat a low-hanging leaf. “Maybe, but don’t worry about it too much. They’re still our allies, anyway.”

Charlie, who had been walking ahead of the two, slowed down to match their pace. “Besides, we have other things to worry about - namely, saving that other guy who was stuck up on top of that tree. We’ve got no idea how long he’ll be able to survive, so the faster we act, the better. A silly thing like a grudge isn’t high on our list of concerns.”

“Yeah, well, this one is unprecedented,” she grumbled.

The three Koppaites beamed themselves up into their ship and took off, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead tomorrow.


I’m going on vacation for a few days, so I can’t see any responses to this. I hope y’all are enjoying TFtK!

Anyways, happy Easter! :3

1 Answer

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by (523k points)

Sorry I'm so late x3

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