+5 votes
in Other by (86.0k points)

I went to Florida for four days and had so much fun!! 

Day 1 We landed and walked around. I ate a conch fritter for the first time and it kinda just tasted like really plain fried chicken ngl. :/ Then I discovered there are SO MANY CHICKENS just wandering around and they were really cute and I wanted to feed them but there was a literal $500 fine!! Then we hung out by the pool and I drank a yummy (virgin) pina colada!!

Day 2 I woke up super early so did my stepmom who was the only one with me and so we went and got some breakfast. I got Carribean french toast which is just french toast with lots of fruit it was delicious!! Then we went and got on a boat thing where we snorkeled first. We didn't see much, there were cool corals, we saw some smaller fish, a HUGE crab, and a trumpetfish, which was super cool and they are really goofy looking you should look up a picture. Then we went to a shallow spot that was BEAUTIFUL the water was turquoise and you could stand, in some parts it was up to our knees or ankles!! Then I found a BRIGHT PINK CONCH!! It was pretty but then I put it back and we went kayaking around a mangrove island and even went into little rivers running through the island, which was super cool!!!! We even saw some baby and adult barracudas! And on the boat I MET SOMEONE ALSO NAMED DELANEY!! Not only does she have my name, she lives 40 minutes away, also has a twin, has a dog, does theater, has a house where we vacation to every year, and she has never broken a bone but her twin has broken their arm!! Isn't that such a coincidence!! Then we went to the aquarium and saw lots of turtles, sharks, octopus, etc. Then we ate dinner and dessert and went back to the room at 9.

Day 3 We woke up and I wasn't that hungry so we started heading to Earnest Hemingway's house! He is a famous author and you can get a tour of his house also 59 cats live there and are decendants from his cat(s). On the way there I got a yummy smoothie and at the house my favorite parts were yes you guessed it the cats. They were everywhere, and sooooooo cute!! Then we went to a butterfly conservatory and that was one of my favorite parts. It was like a big greenhouse with many plants. It was 80 degrees and 80% humidity, and that and the plants made it feel like a rainforest! There were so many butterflies flying around! All different types, and sometimes they would just land on you!! There were flamingoes and birds of paradise, and 3 cute turtles!! I loved it. Then we went in the ocean and I got an AMAZING mango drink. We headed to dinner and then made our way back to the room.

Day 4: We woke up and headed to the pool where we swam and read our books. Then we packed up our stuff and checked out before we headed to breakfast and then to the shops. We bought an ornament and I even got a beautiful hand-blown glass turtle mounted on a tiny piece of coral. It was beautiful and around half the size of a tennis ball. Then we went to the airport at around 12, hopped on a flight, and when we got back home I ate some sushi! boogie

And that was my trip!!!

P.S. I got so sunburnt

Edit: I forgot to add photos!!

I know one of the pictures says belugas but those are manatees I was just being momentarily stupid

4 Answers

0 votes
by (264k points)
Best answer


Florida is awesome! palm-tree

0 votes
by (38.0k points)
Fun! I love the turtle pic:D
0 votes
by (64.3k points)
It looks like it was is much fun! I have always wanted to go to florida:D
0 votes
by (23.6k points)

Cool that sounds so fun!!!!! I love Florida I go on vacation to Florida every year! what was ur fav day in Florida!! palm-tree

by (86.0k points)
Ummmm maybe Day 2?? or 3 because I LOVED the butterfly sanctuary

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